Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Symbolically Is a Ta'veren equal to a Targaryen?

Potential Spoilers Below

Pronunciation: tah-VEER-ehn

"A person around whom the Wheel of Time weaves all surrounding life-threads, perhaps ALL life-threads, to form a Web of Destiny."

The 3 Ta'veren
Perrin, Rand & Mat

When Rand "died" it was only his body as his consciousness was switched with Moridin and he lived on in that body.  Can you say "Warg"

Varamyr Sixskins riding his snow bear with his 3 wolves and his shadowcat

Excerpt from A Memory of Light:

“The song they sang was a Borderlander funeral song. Rand led the horse through the night to get a little closer. He peered between the tents to where three women stood around a funeral pyre.

Aviendha - Elayne - Min
The 3 women who stood around Rand's funeral pyre

Moridin, he thought. He’s being cremated with full honors as the Dragon Reborn.”

All 3 Ta'veren (Rand, Mat and Perrin) have the dream with Ba'alzamon and him breaking the backs of rats.  When Rand awakes he learns that it really came true.

Excerpt from The Eye of the World:

“You mustn't take any mind of what you saw, now. Master Fitch is a good enough man, though the best of you aren't any bargains. It's the folk complaining as has him on edge, and what do they have to complain about? Would they rather find live rats than dead ones? Though it isn't like Cirri to leave his handiwork behind. And over a dozen? Cirri wouldn't let so many get into the inn, he wouldn't. It's a clean place, too, and not one to be so troubled. And all with backs broken.” She shook her head at the strangeness of it all.

The bread and cheese turned to ashes in Rand's mouth. “Their backs were broken?”

Perrin fortell's the most prophecies in his wolf dreams:  

Rand, Mat and Perrin all have dreams that come true.

Some influences of being Ta’veren:

One becomes ta'veren according to the needs of the Wheel. No one is born ta'veren. Rand, Mat and Perrin became ta'veren just before Moiraine appeared.

Mat and Perrin both want to leave Tear but cannot because of Rand's ta'veren pull.

Verin cites Perrin's sudden leadership as ta'veren in action.


Mat begins to accept that his ta'veren nature and the Pattern will do with him what they want.

Rand's ta'veren effect causes improbable happenings when he visits Tear.

Rand's ta'veren effect causes Bael and Jheran to mend the four hundred year old blood feud between Shaarad and Goshien. It causes and constant stream of smaller events as well.

Members of the Shaarad Aiel
Members of the Goshien Aiel

Excerpt from The Shadow Rising:

“There was no guide to how they were connected, or what they were supposed to do; the Prophecies never mentioned companions.”

The 3 were connected, referring to Rand, Mat and Perrin, in the fact that they were all Ta’veren and that they were all raised in the Two Rivers.

Pronunciation: Tar-GAIR-ee-in

Is not the “Web of Destiny” being woven around Daenerys, Jon Snow and Tyrion?

House Targaryen's sigil is a three-headed dragon breathing flames, red on black. The three-headed dragon represents the Conqueror and his two sisters, Rhaenys and Visenya.  Their house words are "Fire and Blood."

Sigil of House Targaryen
Rhaenys - Aegon - Visenya

Deceased Targaryens are traditionally cremated.

Another trait typical to Targaryens, and one that was passed on to the cadet branch, House Blackfyre, was the ability to have premonition-like dreams.
Game of Thrones prophecies (shows my choices as having prophetic dreams):  

How I see the Ta’veren like effects on who I believe to be the 3 current dragons.

 (The Dragon has 3 heads – Daenerys, Jon and Tyrion)

Tyrion - Daenerys - Jon

It doesn’t appear that Daenerys, Jon or Tyrion always had the effect they they have on others now just a few years ago.

Tyrion seems to be being drawn to Daenerys right now.  Whose pull will be stronger Jon or Daenerys?

All 3 of my choices for the 3 heads of the Dragon have taken on leadership roles similar to the 3 ta’veren in the Wheel of Time.

Excerpt from Tyrion Chapter Winds of Winter paraphrased:

Why do the gods keep putting me into battle?” Tyrion thinks, since he is so obviously ill-suited for it.  He remembers the first time he ever prepared for a battle when he fought in his father’s army on the Green Fork.  This to me is reminiscent of Mat accepting his nature as ta’veren and the Pattern doing with him what they want.  Lines up  perfectly as I see Tyrion as the Mat character also.

All three of who I believe to be the 3 heads of the Dragon cause improbable happenings (i.e. Daenerys causing dragon eggs to hatch, Jon creating a fragile alliance between the Night’s Watch and the wildlings, Tyrion taking part and leading several successful battles despite his being a dwarf).

Just like the Dragon Reborn the Azor Ahai prophecies doesn’t mention companions or how they were connected.

Azor Ahai tempering Lightbringer by
stabbing his wife Nissa Nissa through the heart

I believe that my 3 choices are all Targaryen’s, see my blogs on the individuals in question if you haven’t already, and that all 3 of their mothers died giving birth to them.  The mother of the Dragon Reborn, Rand al’Thor in the Wheel of Time, also died giving birth to him

In 273 AC, however, Lady Joanna was taken to childbed once again at Casterly Rock, where she died delivering Lord Tywin’s second son. Tyrion, as the babe was named, was a malformed, dwarfish babe born with stunted legs, an oversized head, and mismatched, demonic eyes (some reports also suggested he had a tail, which was lopped off at his lord father’s command). Lord Tywin’s Doom, the smallfolk called this ill-made creature, and Lord Tywin’s Bane.

Tywin Lannister

The Targaryen fleet was smashed while it lay at anchor, and huge stone blocks were ripped from the parapets and sent hurtling into the wild waters of the narrow sea. Her mother had died birthing her, and for that her brother Viserys had never forgiven her

Viserys pissed at Daenerys yet again

“Before,” Dany said to the ugly Lhazareen woman, “I heard you speak of birthing songs …” “I know every secret of the bloody bed, Silver Lady, nor have I ever lost a babe,” Mirri Maz Duur replied.

Mirri Maz Duur

Bloody bed equals child birth as confirmed via the conversation above

He dreamt an old dream, of three knights in white cloaks, and a tower long fallen, and Lyanna in her bed of blood.

Ned finds Lyanna

Promise me, Ned, his sister had whispered from her bed of blood. She had loved the scent of winter roses.

Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned. The fever had taken her strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper, but when he gave her his word, the fear had gone out of his sister’s eyes.

To book readers this suggests that Lyanna was giving birth and she had Ned promise to raise him as his own to save his life from Robert as he could have been a challenge to his reign as he grew older.

Comments encouraged.  Love to hear the idea’s of others.  Most believe that since I present my idea’s as “fact like” I’m not open to change my viewpoints which is far from the truth.  I simply look at the information presented and go from there.  If you can shine a light on another way of thinking that opens the door to debate.

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