Saturday, July 9, 2016

Why Septa Unella’s punishment from Cersei was what it was

Potential Spoilers Below

Jaichim Carridin was an officer of the Children of the Light and an Inquisitor of the Hand of the Light.  He commanded the Questioners in Tarabon.  His was also a high ranking Darkfriend, known to his fellows by the name Bors.  The Hand of the Light is an organiztion within the Children of the Light which uses various methods, mainly torture, to gain confessions from suspected Darkfriends.  They are viewed as cowards by others of the Children, because they never have to face an armed foe, but are feared by all because of their ruthless methods.

Jaichim Carridin
He was tall with gray at his temples.  He was hard faced with dark, hard, deep-set eyes.

“The hulking fellow handed Shiaine a funnel, which she fitted into a hole bored through the block of wood placed between Jaichim’s teeth. The man’s eyes seemed ready to leap from his head. “Poor Jaichim here failed very badly,” Shiaine said, smiling like a fox looking at a chicken. “Moridin wishes him punished. Poor Jaichim does like his brandy.”

“She stepped back, not so far that she could not see clearly, and Hanlon gave a start as the hulking man came to the table with one of the casks. Hanlon did think he could have lifted the thing unaided, but the big man tipped it easily. The bound man shrieked once, and then a stream of dark liquid was pouring from the cask into the funnel, turning his cry to gurgling. The rough smell of crude brandy filled the air. Secured as he was, the man fought, thrashing about, even managing to heave the table sideways, but the brandy kept pouring. Bubbles rose in the funnel as he tried to shout or scream, but the steady stream never faltered. And then his thrashing slowed and stopped. Wide, glazing eyes stared up at the ceiling, and brandy trickled from his nostrils. The big fellow still did not stop until the last drops fell from an empty cask.”

“I think poor Jaichim has finally had enough brandy,” Shiaine said, and laughed in delight.”

The name of the hulking fellow is MurellinHe is described as having the size and wits of an ox.  He was given Falion Bhoda to be used as he wishes for her punishment.  Lady Shiane tortured her and kept her as a servant and allowed Daved Hanlon, another Darkfriend to use her for sex as he willed.

Unella is a septa of the Faith of the Seven in service at the Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing.  She is one of the Most Devout.

Septa Unela
The Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing
Septa Unella is one of the septas assigned to get a confession out of Queen Margaery Tyrell; the queen confesses that she wants to claw Unella's eyes out. After Queen Regent Cersei Lannister is arrested, Unella becomes her confessor as well.

Unella continues to be one of the holy septas who visit Cersei every hour of the day or night asking her to confess. During one visit Cersei relents and tells Unella she wishes to confess her sins to his High Holiness, and Unella is one of the septas who bring her before the High Sparrow. When the High Septon allows Cersei visitors Unella summons Ser Kevan Lannister to see her. Unella is asked by the High Septon to stay and record Cersei's confession.

She didn't have to imagine much.  Just read TWOT: The Path of Daggers and she had her answer.

Septas Unella, Moelle and Scolera are part of the escort for Cersei as she completes her walk of atonement through the streets of King's Landing. Prior to doing so Unella has the queen shorn by silent sisters.

Summary:  It’s not hard to see that Septa Unella takes the roles of both Jaichim Carridin and Falion Bhoda.  Cersei is Lady Shiaine but is the one to pour the wine instead of Murellin.  The Mountain is Murellin and he is the one that punishes Unella by having his way with her sexually.

Tied to a table just like Jaichim Carridin

Comments encouraged.  Love to hear the idea’s of others.  Most believe that since I present my idea’s as “fact like” I’m not open to change my viewpoints which is far from the truth.  I simply look at the information presented and go from there.  If you can shine a light on another way of thinking that opens the door to debate.

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