Sunday, January 24, 2016

Jon Snow: Do The Prophecies Make the Man?

Potential Spoilers Below

Jon Snow: Do The Prophecies Make the Man?

Jon Snow
TWOT: How Myrddraal swords are made

One of the forgers emerged, a thick slow moving man shape that seemed hacked out of the mountain. The forgers were not truly alive; carried any distance from Shayol Ghul, they turned to stone, or dust. Nor were they smiths as such; they made nothing but the swords. This one’s two hands held a sword blade in long tongs, a blade already quenched, pale like moonlit snow. Alive or not, the forger took care as it dipped the gleaming metal into the dark stream. Whatever semblance of life it had could be ended by the touch of that water. When the metal came out again, it was dead black. But the making was not done yet. The forger shuffled back inside, and suddenly a man’s voice raised a desperate shout.
“No! No! NO!” He shrieked then, the sound dwindling away without losing intensity, as though the screamer had been yanked into unimaginably far distance. Now the blade was done.

Once more a forger appeared — perhaps the same, perhaps another — and hauled the woman to her feet. Woman, babe and child began to wail, but the infant was pulled away and shoved into the girl’s arms. At last the woman found a scrap of resistance. Weeping, she kicked wildly, clawed at the forger. It paid no more mind than stone would have. The woman’s cries vanished as soon as she was inside. The hammers began ringing again, drowning the sobs of the children.

One blade made, one making, and two to come. Demandred had never before seen fewer than fifty prisoners waiting to give their mite to the Great Lord of the Dark.

The Great Lord of the Dark
The Myrddraal swords were not complete until a human was sacrificed and given up to the making of the blade.

ASOIAF: The Legend of how Lightbringer was made

“Burnt,” said Salladhor Saan, “and be glad of that, my friend. Do you know the tale of the forging of Lightbringer? I shall tell it to you. It was a time when darkness lay heavy on the world. To oppose it, the hero must have a hero’s blade, oh, like none that had ever been. And so for thirty days and thirty nights Azor Ahai labored sleepless in the temple, forging a blade in the sacred fires. Heat and hammer and fold, heat and hammer and fold, oh, yes, until the sword was done. Yet when he plunged it into water to temper the steel it burst asunder.

Salladhor Saan
“Being a hero, it was not for him to shrug and go in search of excellent grapes such as these, so again he began. The second time it took him fifty days and fifty nights, and this sword seemed even finer than the first. Azor Ahai captured a lion, to temper the blade by plunging it through the beast’s red heart, but once more the steel shattered and split. Great was his woe and great was his sorrow then, for he knew what he must do.

“A hundred days and a hundred nights he labored on the third blade, and as it glowed white-hot in the sacred fires, he summoned his wife. ‘Nissa Nissa,’ he said to her, for that was her name, ‘bare your breast, and know that I love you best of all that is in this world.’ She did this thing, why I cannot say, and Azor Ahai thrust the smoking sword through her living heart. It is said that her cry of anguish and ecstasy left a crack across the face of the moon, but her blood and her soul and her strength and her courage all went into the steel. Such is the tale of the forging of Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes.

Azor Ahai tempering Lightbringer
through the heart of Nissa Nissa

TWOT: The Dragon Reborn was the reincarnated soul of Lews Therin Telamon
The Dragon Reborn

Lews Therin Telamon
Sammael had not come to talk about al’Thor, yet ice formed at the base of his spine. Thoughts he had forced himself to dismiss came oozing back. Al’Thor was not Lews Therin, but al’Thor was Lews Therin’s soul reborn, as Lews Therin himself had been the rebirth of that soul. Sammael was neither philosopher nor theologian, yet Ishamael had been both, and he claimed to have divined secrets hidden in that fact. Ishamael had died mad, true, but even when he was still sane, back when it seemed they surely would drive Lews Therin Telamon to defeat, he claimed this struggle had gone on since the Creation, an endless war between the Great Lord and the Creator using human surrogates.”

“Lews Therin had—upon discovering that he’d killed all that he loved—drawn upon the One Power and destroyed himself, creating Dragonmount in the process.”  Lews Therin was known as the Lord of the Morning.

The Karaethon Cycle contains the Prophecies of the Dragon, which are believed to detail how the Dragon will be Reborn and what his coming will mean for both the Light and the Shadow. They consist of a collection of Foretellings from before, during, and after the War of Power. Many are vague and can only be understood in hindsight. Most people avoid them, and they are banned in many lands.

Rand was born on the slopes of Dragonmount in 978, at the end of the Aiel War. He is the child of Janduin and Tigraine. Tam al'Thor found him there and brought him back to Emond's Field and raised him as his own son. He believed his mother was Kari al'Thor.  Kari died when Rand was five years old.  In the year 998 Trollics attack Rand’s farm and Tam is badly wounded.  During his fever rantings Rand learns the truth and discovers that Tam is not his real father.
Tam finds Rand on the slopes of Dragonmount
The sword Callandor was a crystal sword and is sometimes called the Sword that Cannot Be Touched or Sword That is Not a Sword referencing the wards that are placed around it so that it can only be wielded by the Dragon Reborn.

ASOIAF: Will it be revealed that Jon Snow is a reincarnated soul?

Since everything hasn’t been revealed most of this is simply my theory with a little of what has been written.  What you need to know is there a lost book called Signs and Portents.  They are the visions written down by Daenys the maiden daughter of Aenar Targaryen before the Doom came to Valyria.  It seems that pages of that book pop up from time to time.

“As a young boy, the Prince of Dragonstone was bookish to a fault. He was reading so early that men said Queen Rhaella must have swallowed some books and a candle whilst he was in her womb. Rhaegar took no interest in the play of other children. The maesters were awed by his wits, but his father’s knights would jest sourly that Baelor the Blessed had been born again. Until one day Prince Rhaegar found something in his scrolls that changed him. No one knows what it might have been, only that the boy suddenly appeared early one morning in the yard as the knights were donning their steel. He walked up to Ser Willem Darry, the master-at-arms, and said, ‘I will require sword and armor. It seems I must be a warrior.’”

Queen Rhaella
I believe that the scrolls that he read that day told him of events to come concerning himself, Lyanna Stark, Ser Arthur Dayne, Jon Snow and the events that could save their world.  At the end of the War of the Usurper, at the Tower of Joy, Lyanna Stark died and I believe that she gave birth to Jon Snow who I believe was the reincarnated soul of Ser Arthur Dayne who was known as the Sword of the Morning; whom I believe died shortly before Jon Snow was born.  I believe all this will be brought to light by Bran Stark as we see the truth through his visions as he travels through time via the Weirwood trees.

Rhaegar crowning Lyanna the Queen of Love and Beauty
Ser Arthur Dayne wielding Dawn
Bran Stark
Weirwood Tree
Are not the prophecies in ASOIAF vague like the Karaethon Cycle Prophecies concerning the Dragon in TWOT?  I also believe that some of the prophecies in ASOIAF come from the Children of the Forest and are similar to the Dark Prophecies in TWOT.

Leaf - one of the Children of the Forest 
TWOT:  How Rand’s parents died

“Was. So he was dead now, too. Egwene wore sympathy on her face. Rand ignored it; he did not want sympathy. How could he feel loss, for people he had never known? Yet he did. “How did Janduin die?”

The Wise Ones exchanged hesitant glances.  At last Amys said, "It was the beginning of the third year of the search for Laman when Shaiel found herself with child.  by the laws, she should have returned to the Threefold Land.  A Maiden is forbidden to carry the spear "while she carries a child.  but Janduin could forbid her nothing; had she asked the moon on a necklace, he would have tried to give it to her.  So she stayed, and in the last fight, before Tar Valon, she was lost, and the child was lost.  Janduin could not forgive himself for not making her obey the law.

Three Wise Ones
Amys, Bair and Melaine
Maiden of the Spear
He gave up his place as clan chief," Bair said.  "No one had ever done that before.  He was told it could not be done, but he simply walked away. He went north with the young men, to hunt Trollocs and Myrddraal in the Blight.  It is a thing wild young men do, and Maidens with less sense than goats.  Those who returned said he was killed by a man, though. They said Janduin claimed this man looked like Shaiel, and he would not raise his spear when the man ran him through."

Dead, then.  Both dead.  He would never lose his love for Tam, never stop thinking of him as father, but he wished he could have seen Janduin and Shaiel, just once."

Rand's father, an Aiel clan chief, would not kill Luc because he looked so much like his wife Tigraine or Shaiel her Aiel name. He sacrificed himself and let Luc kill him because of that fact alone.  His mother Tigraine gave birth to him and then she dies on the slopes of Dragonmount.  Rand is born at the same place that Lews Therin, the Lord of the Morning, who is Rand’s reincarnated soul died.  Tigraine’s personal sigil was a woman's hand gripping a thorny rose-stem with a white blossom.

ASOIAF:  How Jon Snow’s parents died?

I believe that Rhaegar loved Lyanna and she was pregnant with his child. Could Rhaegar have walked away from being the heir to the throne?  I also believe that Rhaegar knew that he would lose his life on the Trident to Robert Baratheon because he read it in the scrolls that fateful day.  Rhaegar and Ser Arthur Dayne were best friends and I believe that the part of the prophecy that concerned his friend told him to lay down his life for the man who resembled or was the brother of the woman that Rhaegar loved. I believe Howland Reed saved Ned’s life by identifying him or calling out his name at a critical point in the fight between the two. So the question is did he know when the following occurred? 

Robert kill Rhaegar on the Trident
“They were seven against three.
And now it begins,” said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light.

They were seven against three
“No,” Ned said with sadness in his voice. “Now it ends.” As they came together in a rush of steel and shadow, he could hear Lyanna screaming.

I believe that Ned was losing but after Ser Arthur Dayne became aware of whom Ned was he sacrificed himself because of the implications to the world of his killing this man. He gave up his life shortly before Lyanna gave birth and his soul was reincarnated into her child.  Lyanna is always associated with blue winter roses or blue rose petals.

Ser Arthur Dayne and Ned Stark
The sword Dawn that Ser Arthur Dayne wielded isn’t like Valyrian Steel swords as it is said that it was made from a falling star.  It has similar characteristics of Valyrian Steel although it appears milky white.  It also isn’t passed from father to son like Valyrian Steel swords but is only passed to those in House Dayne who are considered worthy to wield it.  Who else better to become the new Sword of the Morning than the man whose soul was the previous wielder?  I believe that the Last Hero or Azor Ahai were Dayne’s also.  I believe that  Azor Ahai was the first of a line of many reincarnated souls to wield the sword Dawn in the Dayne family line.

Valyrian Steel sword Long Claw

TWOT:  Oh Uncle where art thou?

Rand learns that his real mothers name is Tigraine and that his uncle Luc went missing under mysterious circumstances.  Around 971 NE, Gitara Moroso, because of one of her fortellings, convinces Lord Luc that the outcome of Tarmon Gai’don or the Last Battle depends upon him going to the Blight and he disappears and is presumed dead.  According to the Dark Prophecy, Luc meets Isam in the Mountains of Dhoom.  One lives and one dies but both are.  Luc and Isam are merged into a single being and given special powers by the Great Lord.  Luc has orders to kill his nephew Rand.

Gitara Moroso

ASOIAF:  Oh Uncle where art thou?

Jon Snow will learn his mother is Lyanna. He already knows that is uncle Benjen Stark is missing under mysterious circumstances and is presumed dead.  Remember that book Signs and Portenets?  I believe that Benjen Stark also read one of those pages that referenced both himself and Jon Snow.  I believe that he joined the Night's Watch as a result of this prophecy and he is out there right now being sculpted for what is to come for the good or bad it is yet to be seen.  I also believe that he is a product of two characters from TWOT, Luc Mantear and Logaine Ablar which I will discuss in another blog.  Will Benjen be given orders to kill Jon?

Benjen Stark
Men of the Night's Watch

TWOT: Titles and other names that refer to Lews Therin Telamon
(the original Dragon) during the Age of Legends

Lord of the Morning

Prince of the Dawn

The Dragon


The Promised One

Champion of the Light

ASOIAF: Titles that other names that refer to Azor Ahai During the Age of Heroes

Sword of the Morning; I believe that Azor Ahai was a Dayne ancestor

Kinslayer; He killed Nissa Nissa his wife as Lews Therin killed his wife

The Lights Champion or The Lord of Lights Champion

TWOT: Titles that refer to Rand Al’Thor; The Dragon Reborn

The Dragon Reborn

Shepard.  Rand is a Shepard from Emmonds field.

The Car'a'carn ("Chief of chiefs" in the Old Tongue) is the Aiel term for the one who will lead all Aiel, in accordance with the Prophecy of Rhuidean.  They also called him “He Who Comes With The Dawn.”  He is called the latter because when he made his trek to Rhuidean he came back at dawn. 

The Car'a'carn
The Coramoor is the Sea Folk's version of the Dragon Reborn. He is mentioned in The Jendai Prophecies which are the Sea Folk's version of the Prophecies of the Dragon.  They believe that the Coramoor is predicted by the Jendai Prophecy to lead them to greater glory, including domination of all the seas of the land. Rand al'Thor, who is also the Dragon Reborn and the Car'a'carn of the Aiel, is believed to be the fulfillment of that prophecy. The Sea Folk will serve the Coramoor in any way they can, but no-one agrees on exactly how the Bargain should pan out.

Sea Folk
He is known as Shadowkiller to the wolves

ASOIAF: Titles that I believe refer to Jon Snow; Azor Ahai come again

Azor Ahai; since Jon is a Targaryen that would make him a dragon; Remember that line “The Dragon has three heads”?  I believe that Jon fits that perfectly as he is a Targaryen, a Stark and a Dayne via his reincarnated soul.  He is also the overall book title IMO, A Song of Ice and Fire.  Ice via his mother and fire via his father.

The Great Shepherd is the deity worshiped by the Lhazareen, mirroring the importance of shepherding in Lhazareen culture. Its worship is largely restricted to Lhazar itself. The worship of the Great Shepherd includes the presence of "godwives" or priestesses, such as the maegi Mirri Maz Duur.

Mirri Maz Duur
The Stallion Who Mounts the World is a prophecy in the Dothraki religion. According to the prophecy, the Stallion is the "khal of khals" who will unite all the Dothraki under his single khalasar and ride to the ends of the earth. The prophecy states that "he will be the khal of khals, and all the people of the world will be his herd."  This one is a bit tricky and may apply to Dany.

Dothraki khalasar
Khaleesi,” Cohollo said to her, in Dothraki. “Drogo, who is blood of my blood, commands me to tell you that he must ascend the Mother of Mountains this night, to sacrifice to the gods for his safe return.”

Only men were allowed to set foot on the Mother, Dany knew. The khal’s bloodriders would go with him, and return at dawn”. 

Both Dany and Jon share characteristics of Rand al’Thor and Dany may be the one to ascend the Mountain and return at dawn, making her “She Who Comes With The Dawn.”

The Drowned God is the deity worshiped on the Iron Islands. Together with the North, where the worship of the Old Gods of the Forest remains strong, the Iron Islands is one of the few regions in Westeros not abiding by the main religion of the Seven Kingdoms, the Faith of the Seven.

Iron Islands
The Seven Kingdoms
Will we learn through Bran that the direwolves also have a name for Jon?

Direwolf - Ghost
TWOT: The Dragon is Reborn

“At Falme, the shepherd boy had burned, his ashes scattered and blown away by those ocean winds. From those ashes, the Dragon Reborn had risen.”

Ishamael and Rand al'Thor battle in the sky over Falme

ASOIAF: Azor Ahai is Reborn

Falme is the location where the Dragon Reborn was shown to have risen again.  Flame is an anagram of Falme and I believe it will be through Melisandre’s red “flames” that Jon Snow will arise from the dead as Azor Ahai.  See my blog page on how Jon Snow will rise again:

Melisandre staring into her flames

TWOT:  Who’s got Rand’s back?

In TWOT there is a character named Min who has viewings when she looks at certain people.  Her viewings always come true.  She saw the following when she looked at Rand talking about his friend Perrin

“And something else I saw when you were together. Twice he’s going to have to be there, or you... ” She peered into her goblet so he could not see her face. “If he’s not, something bad will happen to you.” Her voice sounded small and frightened. “Very bad.”

Perrin while in the wolf dream twice was able to thwart attacks that would have killed Rand had he not been there.

She also had the following vision about Moiraine who was presumed killed by Lanfear one of the forsaken:

The Forsaken
“What good to tell him he would almost certainly fail without a woman who was dead and gone?”

Moiraine helped Rand discover that he was indeed the Dragon Reborn.  It turned out that she wasn’t dead and returned just in time to help Rand rally those who stood against him to his side.

ASOIAF:  Who will have Jon’s back?

I won’t go into it here but to me this one is simple.  Who has the characteristics of Perrin in ASOIAF?  Bran does of course.  I believe he will also have a green dream similar to Min’s vision about Jon and he will be able to be there for Jon twice also saving his life.  As we learned from Jojen Reed green dreams always come to pass.

Jojen Reed
I believe Melisandre to be the Moiraine characters in ASOIAF.  She will lead him to the truth as to who he truly is when she brings him back from the dead and be there towards the end when he needs her the most.  Will she like Moiraine be presumed dead?

TWOT: Abilities gained from past lives

“Rand barely heard the voice in his head. Suddenly he knew he did not have to describe Kisman and the others. He could draw them so well that anyone would recognize the faces. Except, he had never been able to draw in his life. Lews Therin could, though. That should have frightened him. It should have.”

“The Asha'man Naeff—standing beside Bashere—gasped. "I've never seen so many weaves at once," he whispered. "I can't track them all. He's a storm. A storm of Light and streams of Power!”

An Asha'man
Davram Bashere and his wife Deira
“What had that been? He crossed the room, the others—including several of Bashere's officers—following. Many others stayed in the room, however, staring out at the field that had been cleansed by ice and by fire.”

“Rand,” she said slowly, “you did all that, killed one man and faced another, and ... Rand, I didn’t feel anything. In the bond, I mean. No fear, no anger. Not even concern! Nothing.”
“I wasn’t angry with him.” Shaking his head, he began shoving clothes into the hamper again. “He just needed killing, that’s all. And why would I be afraid?”

Fire and ice, and death was coming. But he was steel. He was steel.” – Rand’s thoughts to himself

ASOIAF:  What abilities will Jon gain?

I believe that the Jon will gain the ability to fight and become the greatest swordsman in their world because of him now being the Sword of the Morning.  Killing won’t be something that he wants to do but something he has do in order to save their world.  Since there is a supernatural force also in this world I believe that Jon will rediscover ancient magic that will make him even more powerful.  He will be Fire and Ice through his parentage and become death through his connection with Azor Ahai.

What else will we learn about Ser Arthur Dayne and Azor Ahai that Jon will be able to draw upon?

TWOT:  Rand heard voices

“He was Lews Therin reborn, the Dragon Reborn, no denying that, but everybody was someone reborn, a hundred someones, a thousand, more. That was how the Pattern worked; everyone again as the Wheel turned, forever without end. But nobody else talked with who they used to be. Nobody else had voices in their heads. Except madmen.”

“Stop them from having to live over and over again. Why? Why had the Creator done this to them? Why?

Why do we live again? Lews Therin asked, suddenly. His voice was crisp and distinct.
Yes, Rand said, pleading. Tell me. Why?

Maybe . . . Lews Therin said, shockingly lucid, not a hint of madness to him. He spoke softly, reverently. Why? Could it be . . . Maybe it’s so that we can have a second chance.”

“And Rand opened his eyes for the first time in a very long while. He knew—somehow—that he would never again hear Lews Therin’s “voice in his head. For they were not two men, and never had been.”

“Rand rode in silence for a time. "I suppose I am him. But Min, what you're missing is this: I may be him now, but he was always me as well. I was always him. I'm not going to change just because I remember—I was the same. I'm me. And I always have been me.”

ASOIAF: Will Jon Snow hear the voice of Ser Arthur Dayne in his head?

Will Jon Snow hear the voice of Ser Arthur Dayne in his head and not tell anyone of it because he fears that he is going mad?  Will that voice reach back as far as Azor Ahai and will he be able to draw upon knowledge of the Age of Heroes in his fight against the true enemy which I don’t believe to be the White WalkersWill Jon come to trust that voice and realize that the voice is not separate but a part of who he is and use it to the benefit of their entire world?

White Walker
TWOT:  The Dragon Reborn’s anger

“What was he? What was the Dragon Reborn? A symbol? A sacrifice? A sword, meant to destroy? A sheltering hand, meant to protect?
A puppet, playing a part over and over again?
He was angry. Angry at the world, angry at the Pattern, angry at the Creator for leaving humans to fight against the Dark One with no direction. What right did any of them have to demand Rand’s life of him?”

ASOIAF: Jon’s anger

Jon will go through something very similar to Rand at becoming angry at the world for having to be the one to sacrifice everything for the world.  I think this will come after he meets and falls for Margaery and have something to live for.

TWOT:  Min is his rock

“He sat up straighter. "Oh, Min. What would I do without you?"
She snorted. "You have kings and Aiel chiefs following you. Aes Sedai, Asha'man, and ta'veren. I'm certain you'd get along."
"No," Rand said. "You're more vital than them all. You remind me who I am. Besides, you think more clearly than most of those who call themselves my counselors. You could be a queen, if you wished it.”

Min and Rand

Three Ta'veren - Perrin, Rand & Mat
ASOIAF: Arya and Jon reunite

Arya will come back and help Jon when he is at a low point.  She will remind him of who he really is.  She will be the one to bring him back into focus.  Although they are no longer brother and sister they will remain as close as ever.  Arya will be Jon’s truth seer in the way she is able to read people because of the training she received in the House of Black and White.  He will also remember Ned Stark, the man who raised him as his son, and will now be the better for it.  Though he wasn’t his father he will always think of him as such.  This upbringing will be the key to letting Jon be who he is to be. 

Arya and Jon
Arya at the House of Black and White

TWOT: The “Third Voice”, who is it?

“I thought I could build, Lews Therin murmured in his head. I was wrong. We are not builders, not you, or I, or the other one. We are destroyers. Destroyers. Rand shivered, and scrubbed his hands through his hair. The other one? At times, the voice sounded sanest when it was the most mad.”

“You destroyed them already, Lews Therin whispered in his head. Now you have someone else to destroy, and not beforetime. How many will we three kill before the end, I wonder.”

I have read the book series twice and can’t find a satisfactory answer as to who the third voice whom Lews Therin speaks of.

ASOIAF: The “Third Voice”

After reading both series multiple times I have come to believe that both of these stories seem to complement each other.  I have also come to believe that the third voice that Lews Therin may have heard could have been that of Azor Ahai/Jon Snow.  It’s a reach but think of the implications if I were right.  No satisfactory answer has been given by either Jordan or Sanderson who completed the series.  Could Martin write the final chapter on both series? 

Robert Jordan
Brandon Sanderson
George R.R. Martin
TWOT:  The Dragon Reborn’s first defeat

“I’ve lost, Rand thought dully. I’m the Dragon Reborn, but for the first time, I’ve lost.  Suddenly, Lews Therin raged up inside him, sly digs forgotten. I’ve never been defeated, he snarled. I am the Lord of the Morning! No one can defeat me!
Rand sat in the rain, turning the Crown of Swords in his hands, looking at Callandor lying in the mud. He let Lews Therin rage.”

Crown of Swords

ASOIAF:  Will Jon Snow face a moment where he is defeated as Azor Ahai?

Will Jon after he accepts the truth that he is Azor Ahai reborn face a battle in which he is defeated and face a similar revelation that the Dragon Reborn faced?  I believe he will because how can you truly appreciate victory without knowing the taste of defeat.  I believe that Lightbringer will fail him in a battle against the Others.  I believe this because of what I believe to be the accord that was struck when Azor Ahai first encountered the Others.  I believe that Jon is destined to cleanse their ranks from the Night's King and free them from his oppression.  This to me will equate to Rand cleansing the taint from Saidin.

Night's King
TWOT: The Dragon’s Peace

As Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn, had gathered all rulers of all nations and the leaders of all major forces of the Light at his side upon the Field of Merrilor, he intended to leave something ever-lasting behind; a world-encircling peace treaty that would prevent any possible conflicts between nations after his supposed demise. He had long considered a world-wide peace, determined not to see the world fall back into simple small-minded bickering.

As a final inclusion to ensure the enforcement of peace should any nation feel inclined to test the boundaries of the Dragon's legacy, the Aiel were written into the treaty as protectors of the peace. In the end, even the Seanchan agreed to the treaty in exchange for keeping all lands they currently held this side of the Aryth Ocean. The future of the treaty remains to be seen.

ASOIAF: A Brokered Peace

“Now these were the days before the Andals came, and long before the women fled across the narrow sea from the cities of the Rhoyne, and the hundred kingdoms of those times were the kingdoms of the First Men, who had taken these lands from the children of the forest. Yet here and there in the fastness of the woods the children still lived in their wooden cities and hollow hills, and the faces in the trees kept watch. So as cold and death filled the earth, the Last Hero determined to seek out the children, in the hopes that their ancient magics could win back what the armies of men had lost. He set out into the dead lands with a sword, a horse, a dog, and a dozen companions. For years he searched, until he despaired of ever finding the children of the forest in their secret cities. One by one his friends died, and his horse, and finally even his dog, and his sword froze so hard the blade snapped when he tried to use it. And the Others smelled the hot blood in him, and came silent on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as hounds—”

Other riding Ice Spider
Had Old Nan not been interrupted I believe she would have concluded her story telling Bran that the Others brokered a deal with the Last Hero because they too had green seers that told them that this man would eventually free them and so they struck a deal and bestowed him with the sword Dawn.  They knew that this man would be reborn throughout the millennia to eventually free them from the Nights King who was to come.  Also in this deal the Others became or where the protectors of the peace and not the grumkins and snarks that misrepresented stories have made them out to be over the ages.

Old Nan telling Bran a story
Think of it this way.  How could the Last Hero without any help and no weapon defeat the Others if they confronted him as told in Old Nan’s story.  The story tells you that his sword froze and the blade snapped.  I believe had he found the Children of the Forest the world would have been doomed.  Old Nan seems to be telling these stories from a perspective that defies time.

“Thus it our treaty written; thus is agreement made.
Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades.
What was asked is given. The price is paid.”

This was written from the perspective of another character in TWOT but I think it fits within ASOIAF as the agreement made between the Last Hero and the Others.  Memory never fades I think will end up being the fact that Jon Snow's incarnation of the Last Hero will remember the agreement and when the time is right will fulfill that agreement.  I think that what was asked and given were Lightbringer helping him defeat the Children of the Forest and was not used against the Others.  Jon Snow will fulfill the agreement paying the price in full.

TWOT: He was one with the land; an exchange of gifts

“Rand closed his eyes. He could feel it, the land itself, like a faint Warder bond. Beneath his feet, grubs crawled through the soil. The roots of the grasses continued to spread, ever so slowly, seeking nutrients.”

“It wasn’t a large change. Where he trod, the turf recovered, spreading from him like a soft wave of light through opening shutters. Men stepped back; horses stamped their hooves. Within minutes, the entire ring of troops stood on grass that lived again.

How long had it been since she’d seen a simple field of green? Egwene breathed out. Some of the gloom to the day had been lightened. “I’d give good coin to know how he does that,” she murmured under her breath.

“A weave?” Gawyn asked. “I’ve seen Aes Sedai make flowers bloom in winter.”
“I know of no weave that would be so extensive,” Egwene said. “It feels so natural”

“People were walking among the massive trunks: soldiers from the various camps, staring upward. She heard a Shienaran talking to Lord Agelmar close by. “We watched them grow, my Lord. They burst from the ground; it took less than five minutes for them to become so tall. I swear it, my Lord, or may I never draw blade again.”

Lord Agelmar
“Here,” Rand said. “The gift I mentioned.” He pushed the pouch toward her.
She looked at him, curious. She untied the strings, and took from it a small statue of a woman. She stood upright, with a shawl about her shoulders, though she did not look like an Aes Sedai. She had a mature face, aged and wise, with a wise look about her and a smile on her face.
“An angreal?” Elayne asked.
“No, a Seed.”
“A . . . seed?”

“You have the Talent of creating ter’angreal,” Rand said. “Creating angreal requires a different process. It begins with one of these, an object created to draw your Power and instill it into something else. It takes time, and will weaken you for several months, so you should not attempt it while we are at war. But when I found it, forgotten, I thought of you. I had wondered what I could give you.”

“Oh, Rand, I have something for you as well.” She hurried over to an ivory jewelry chest that rested on a camp table and took a small object from it. It was a dagger with a short, dull blade and a handle made of deerhorn wrapped in gold wire.

Rand glanced at the dagger quizzically. “No offense, but that looks like a poor weapon, Elayne.”

“It’s a ter’angreal, something that may be of use when you go to Shayol Ghul. With it, the Shadow cannot see you.” She reached up to touch his face. He placed his hand on hers.
They stayed together long into the night.”

ASOIAF: Will Jon push back winter and if so how?

So will Jon do something similar to Rand and make Wierwood tree’s grow or bring back crops or grass in the midst of winter.  Is there anything that we know of within ASOIAF that may be able to do that?

Garth Gardener was a legendary King of the First Men in the Age of Heroes. He was the founder of House Gardener and the first King of the Reach. According to legend, Garth Greenhand wore a crown of vines and flowers and was said to make the land bloom.

Garth Greenhand
King Garth's line ruled the Reach until the Targaryen conquest, becoming extinct with the death of Mern IX, the last King of the Reach. Nevertheless, several of the noble houses of the Reach, such as House Tyrell and House Florent, claim their descent to Garth Greenhand.

First of all let me tell you a little bit about Rand.  He was in love with three women and they were in love with him and were willing to all be his wives.  I won’t go into too much detail about them here, as they deserve their own blogs, but I will simply touch on the three briefly comparing them to their ASOIAF counterparts:

Aviendha: Fiery red-head with blue-green eyes who was a maiden of the spear.  Said the following which I believe to be one of the most memorable things about her counterpart:

“Go away.” With a glance at the bracelet, she added, “You truly know nothing, do you? You know nothing. It is not your fault.” She seemed to be repeating something she had been told, or trying to convince herself. “I am sorry if I ruined your meal, Rand al'Thor. Please go.”

Ygritte: Also a fiery red-head (touched by fire) with blue-grey eyes and a spearwife.  Everyone who knows Ygritte know her most famous line:  “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”


Min: She was named after Elmindreda, who was considered very beautiful.  She has brown hair and dark eyes.  She adamantly refused to wear skirts or dresses and wears breeches that are tailored to show off her petite curves.  People ask her why she dresses like boys.  She has viewings that let her see the truth into people and what will happen to them.  She used those viewings to help Rand al’Thor and his dealing with those around him.


Arya: She is said to look like her aunt Lyanna whom people said was beautiful.  She has brown hair and grey eyes.  She doesn’t like to wear dresses and prefers to run around in breeches.  She is learning to see the truth of what people say, in her training in the House of Black and White, and I believe she will use this to help Jon in his dealings with those around him.

Elayne: is described as exceedingly beautiful, with blue eyes like sapphires and red-gold, curly hair.  She can charm many with her pretty, dimpled smile with full red lips.  Her sigil is the Golden Lily.  She met Rand when he climbed a high wall to her palace and fell over it into the garden.  She is very intelligent and learned from her mother Queen Morgase how to rule and play the game of houses from an early age.  She has two brothers Gawyn and Galad.   Galad is an extremely good swordsman and is described as extremely handsome and women swoon over him constantly.  Gawyn goes on to fall in love and marry the most powerful women in their world Egwene, the Amyrlin Seat.


Margaery: is considered beautiful, with softly curling brown hair with large brown eyes, unblemished skin and a slender yet shapely figure.  Her sigil is a golden rose on a green field.  She is an intelligent, shrewd and politically savvy young woman, very much the protégé of her cunning grandmother, Lady Olenna Redwyne.  She has two brothers Willas and Loras.  Loras is a skilled knight famed for his many tournaments victories and his good looks, which make him popular with the smallfolk and with young women in particular.  So since Margaery has another brother who do I think he will marry?  I would say the Queen.  I believe Sansa will be the one who is younger and more beautiful who will cast Cersei down.

Lady Olenna Redwyne
Loras and Sasa
As the series progresses Jon will have loved all three women.  He hasn’t met Margaery as of yet but I believe she will be the one that he eventually will end up with but for how long depends upon George R.R. Martin.  I believe that when Jon reaches the story arc when he feels that he may not survive and starts giving away gifts he will bestow upon Margaery something special and she in turn will give him the crown of vines and flowers that belonged to Garth Greenhand which I believe to still reside at Highgarden.  With the crown will Jon then be able to duplicate what Rand does and make dead vegetation and trees bloom.

I believe Highgarden got its name from Rand climbing the high wall and falling into Elyane’s garden.  Whether she becomes pregnant with Jon’s child or twins as was the case with Rand and Elayne remains to be seen.  I would hope not because where in TWOT Elayne almost has her children ripped from her womb.  Martin who IMO takes the major story arcs and punctuates them by throwing gasoline on an already raging fire would kill off Margaery in a devastating manner.  In the show it was done to Robb’s wife Talisa but for the books it just may be Margaery who dies by having her unborn child ripped from her womb.

Roose Bolton stabs Robb
Talisa being stabbed in the womb
TWOT: Rand becomes one with who he is

“At the end of time,
when the many become one,
the last storm shall gather its angry winds
to destroy a land already dying.
And at its center,
the blind man shall stand
upon his own grave.
There he shall see again,
and weep for what has been wrought.

ASOIAF: Jon returns to the site of the Tower of Joy

Will Jon Snow return to the what was the Tower and Joy and there come face to face with the entire truth of who he is?  Will this take place while he is walking the land of the dead as he is now?  Will he perceive it all through his reoccurring dream, the one I believe he will finally finish in death?

TWOT:  A question asked/answered to prove he was the Dragon Reborn

“That presumes that he is the Dragon Reborn," Tenobia said, folding her arms. "We—"
She cut off as Rand stood, then carefully slid Callandor from its sheath, glittering blade rasping. He held it forth. "Do you deny this, Queen Tenobia, Shield of the North and Sword of the Blightborder, High Seat of House Kazadi? Will you look upon this weapon and call me a false Dragon?”

“Rand didn't break his gaze from the monarch. "Ask your question."
"How did Tellindal Tirraso die?"
"Who?" Min asked, looking at Cadsuane. The Aes Sedai shook her head, confused.
"How do you know that name?" Rand demanded.
"Answer the question," Easar said, hand on his hilt, body tense. Around them, ranks of men prepared themselves.  “She was a clerk," Rand said. "During the Age of Legends.  Demandred, when he came for me after founding the Eighty and One . . . She fell in the fighting, lightning from the sky . . . Her blood on my hands . . . How do you know that name!"

Ethenielle looked to Easar, then to Tenobia, then finally to Paitar. He nodded, then closed his eyes, letting out a sigh that sounded relieved. He took his hand from his sword.
"Rand al'Thor," Ethenielle said, "Dragon Reborn. Would you kindly sit down and speak with us? We will answer your questions."

Why have I never heard of this so-called prophecy?" Cadsuane asked. "Its nature required secrecy," King Paitar said. They all sat on cushions in a large tent in the middle of the Borderlander army. It made Cadsuane' shoulders itch, being surrounded like this, but the fool boy—he would always be a fool boy, no matter how old he was—looked perfectly at peace.

Thirteen Aes Sedai waited outside the tent, which wasn't large enough for them all. Thirteen. That hadn't made al'Thor blink. What man who could channel would sit amid thirteen Aes Sedai and not sweat?

He's changed, Cadsuane told herself. You're just going to have to accept that.  Not that he didn't need her anymore.  Men like him grew overly confident.  A few little successes, and he'd trip over his own feet and land in some predicament.
But. . . well, she was proud of him. Grudgingly proud. A little.

"It was given by an Aes Sedai of my own family line," Paitar continued. The square-faced man sipped a small cup of tea. "My ancestor, Reo Myershi, was the only one who heard it. He ordered the words preserved, passed from monarch to monarch, for this day."

"Speak them to me," Rand said. "Please."
"I see him before you!" Paitar quoted. "Him, the one who lives many lives, the one who gives deaths, the one who raises mountains. He will break what he must break, but first “he stands here, before our king. You will bloody him! Measure his restraint. He speaks! How was the fallen slain? Tellindal Tirraso, murdered by his hand, the darkness that came the day after the light. You must ask, and you must know your fate. If he cannot answer . . ."

He trailed off, falling silent.
"What?" Min asked.
"If he cannot answer," Paitar said, "then you will be lost. You will bring his end swiftly, so that the final days may have their storm. So that Light may not be consumed by he who was to have preserved it. I see him. And I weep."

"You came to murder him, then," Cadsuane said.  “To test him," Tenobia said. "Or so we decided, once Paitar told us of the prophecy."

"You don't know how close you came to doom," Rand said softly. "If I had come to you but a short time earlier, I'd have returned those slaps with balefire."

"Inside the Guardian?" Tenobia sniffed disdainfully.  "The Guardian blocks the One Power," Rand whispered. "The One Power only."  What does he mean by that? Cadsuane thought, frowning.

"We knew well the risk," Ethenielle said proudly.  I demanded the right to slap you first. Our armies had orders to attack if we fell.  “My family has analyzed the words of the prophecy a hundred times over," Paitar said. "The meaning seemed clear. It was our task to test the Dragon Reborn. To see if he could be trusted to go to the Last Battle."

"Only a month earlier," Rand said. "I wouldn't have had the memories to answer you. This was a foolish gambit. If you had killed me, then all would have been lost."

"A gamble," Paitar said evenly. "Perhaps another would have risen in your stead."
"No," Rand said. "This prophecy was like the others. A declaration of what might happen, not advice.”

In TWOT at this point in the story Rand had access to “The True Power” which was not blocked by the Guardians and he could have easily destroyed them all while they thought they were safe against his abilities within their city.

ASOIAF: Who will ask the question and what will it be to prove he is Azor Ahai?

I believe that someone or a group of people in the Dayne family, and someone from the Reed family may accompany, will confront Jon as to whether or not he is truly the Sword of the Morning.  Jon will present Lightbringer as proof as to who he is.  I believe the answer to that question, which has been passed down through the millennia, proves the legitimacy of the man who claims he is worthy to wield the sword Dawn.  I believe the question and answer has something to do with the Last Hero encountering the Others for the first time and how a peace was brokered between them, similar to the Dragon’s Peace in TWOT.  This I believe will occur after he has killed his ancestor the Nights King in single combat to free the Others from his rule of tyranny and possibly putting Benjin Stark in a position to become the new Lord Commander of the Nights Watch like Logain became the leader of the Black Tower.  But I could see it as his potentially becoming the leader of the Others also and getting them back on the path of being protectors.

Will he like Rand almost had gone to Starfall prior to his gaining Azor Ahai’s complete memories and either he was killed for not knowing the answer or killing them because he had not yet reached a state of maturity he needed to obtain first?   

TWOT: Rand confronts the Amyrlin Seat

“Light!" Silviana said. "How could you think during that, Mother?"

"What?" Egwene looked about the Hall. Many of the Sitters were slumping visibly in their seats.
"Something gripped my heart," Barasine said, raising a hand to her breast, "squeezing it tight. I didn't dare speak."

"I tried to speak," Yukiri said. "My mouth wouldn't move.”

“Light, Egwene. You can still do it, like the sister I never had—tie my mind in knots and have me raving at you and loving you at the same time.”

Rand basically confronts Egwene and tells her what he is going to do and she doesn’t like it.  The other Aes Sedai in the room were paralyzed by his presence alone.  But being the Dragon Reborn she could do nothing to stop him.

ASOIAF: Jon confronts the Queen

I believe that Jon will go to Sansa who will at this point in the story take up the mantle of Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, with her king Willas Tyrell by her side, and tell her his plans.  Sansa will not like it but she won’t have a choice either.  He will think on her fondly as the sister he once thought she was, though now they are only cousins.

TWOT: Rand confronts the Daughter of the Nine Moons

“You think you could stay away from me?”  Rand asked, smiling.
“You really think it would let you?”
“I could bloody try. No offense, Rand, but you’re going to go mad and all. I figured I’d give you one less friend nearby to kill. You know, save you some trouble. What did you do to your hand, by the way?”
“What did you do to your eye?”
“A little accident with a corkscrew and thirteen angry innkeepers. The hand?”
“Lost it capturing one of the Forsaken.”
“Capturing?” Mat said. “You’re growing soft.”
Rand snorted. Tell me you’ve “done better.”
“I killed a gholam,” Mat said.
“I freed Illian from Sammael.”
“I married the Empress of the Seanchan.”
“Mat,” Rand said, “are you really trying to get into a bragging contest with the Dragon Reborn?” He paused for a moment. “Besides, I cleansed saidin. I win.”

Daughter of the Nine Moons
Mat - The Prince of Ravens
“Ah, that’s not really worth much,” Mat said.
“Not worth much? It’s the single most important event to happen since the Breaking.”
“Bah. You and your Asha’man are already crazy,” Mat said, “so what does it matter?” He glanced to the side. “You look nice, by the way.”

“Then you accept me for who I am,” Rand said, voice growing loud, crisp. Like a battle horn. “I am Lews Therin Telamon, the Dragon. I ruled these lands, unified, during the Age of Legends. I was leader of all the armies of the Light, I wore the Ring of Tamyrlin. I stood first among the Servants, highest of the Aes Sedai, and I could summon the Nine Rods of Dominion.”
“Rand stepped forward. “I held the loyalty and fealty of all seventeen Generals of Dawn’s Gate. Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag, my authority supersedes your own!”
Artur Hawkwing—”

“My authority supersedes that of Hawkwing! If you claim rule by the name of he who conquered, then you must bow before my prior claim. I conquered before Hawkwing, though I needed no sword to do so. You are here on my land, Empress, at my sufferance!”

Thunder broke in the distance. Mat found himself shaking. Light, it was just Rand. Just Rand . . . was it not?
Tuon backed away, eyes wide, her lips parted. Her face was full of horror, as if she had just seen her own parents executed.”

“Seems you have a bit of the Dark One’s luck yourself,” he muttered to Rand. “I can’t believe that worked.”
“Honestly?” Rand said softly. “I can’t either. Thank you for the good word.”
“Sure,” Mat said. “By the way, I saved Moiraine. Chew on that as you try to decide which of the two of us is winning.”
Mat followed Tuon, and behind him rose the laughter of the Dragon Reborn.”

ASOIAF: Who does Jon confront and who is the Daughter of the Nine Moons?

“She had been born on Dragonstone nine moons after their flight,”  Since this was said of Dany I believe that the she is going to represent the Daughter of the Nine Moons in ASOIAF.  She will have brought Meereen and Astapor to heel.  She will have also made the trek up the Mother of Mountains, with her bloodriders, which only men are allowed to set foot and will bring the Dothraki into the fold returning at dawn.  This will make her “She who comes with the dawn and The Stallion who Mounts the World.”  Anyone who has read TWOT knows about “He who comes with the dawn.”  At this point I believe that a form of traveling will be used that will make travel from place to place extremely fast and she will be making plans to conquer Westeros.

Mother of Mountains
It will be at this point where Jon will confront Dany and being in full possession of Azor Ahai’s memories will confront her in a similar fashion that Rand did with Tuon/ Fortuona.  The big exception will be how.  Where Lews Therin didn’t conquer with the sword Azor Ahai did or will this TWOT truth line up here also.  Tyrion will clear the way for Jon and Dany to meet and also put in a good word for Jon to Dany.  Tyrion and Jon who are considered friends of a sort will joke around with each other, about Tyrion’s missing nose and Jon’s burnt hand, but will tread on uneven ground as the meeting between the two will be tense.  Jon will broker a peace between Dany and Westeros locking all borders to what is already held.  They will discuss their relationship to each other and Bran may help them see the truth of who they are.  I believe that they also will come to an agreement to assist each other against the true enemy and will become allies. 

While you can find several books that tell a similar story of the events that unfold, I think TWOT is a one stop shop that covers the majority of the story arcs within ASOIAF.  The biggest difference in the two are the polar opposites given the perception as who the bad guys really are. In TWOT it was obvious.  In ASOIAF it seems obvious but it doesn't really add up when you examine the details.

I see several possibilities as to the outcome of many story arcs but here I present those of how I would have written it.  I read both books in a matter of a few months and having everything fresh in my mind the similarities jumped off the pages.  For anyone who hasn’t read either book I would suggest that you do.  The characters come alive with both authors telling.

Comments encouraged.  Love to hear the idea’s of others.  Most believe that since I present my idea’s as “fact like” I’m not open to change my viewpoints which is far from the truth.  I simply look at the information presented and go from there.  If you can shine a light on another way of thinking that opens the door to debate.