Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Now hear me out. What if Tyrion is Azor Ahai?

Potential Spoilers Below

I keep telling everyone that similarities between The Wheel of Time (TWOT) and A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) are vast even if there are those out there that say otherwise.

I’ve been keeping this one on the back burner for awhile but I keep saying that ASOIAF is going to end in a similar fashion as the Wheel of Time.  We know how Azor Ahai finally completed Lightbringer because of the story that Salladhor Saan tells to Davos Seaworth:

“A hundred days and a hundred nights he labored on the third blade, and as it glowed white-hot in the sacred fires, he summoned his wife. ‘Nissa Nissa,’ he said to her, for that was her name, ‘bare your breast, and know that I love you best of all that is in this world.’ She did this thing, why I cannot say, and Azor Ahai thrust the smoking sword through her living heart. It is said that her cry of anguish and ecstasy left a crack across the face of the moon, but her blood and her soul and her strength and her courage all went into the steel. Such is the tale of the forging of Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes.

For any who have read my theories you know that I think Tyrion is the Mat Cauthon character from the Wheel of Time and below part of Mat’s story that sort of lines up with that of Azor Ahai:

Groggily, he moved by instinct, without thinking. The blade came out of his sleeve, left his hand as if floating through jelly. Only then did he realize what he had done and stretch out desperately, trying to snatch it back.

The hilt bloomed between her breasts. She sagged to her knees, fell back.

Mat pushed himself up, wavering on hands and knees. He could not have stood if his life hung on it, but he crawled to her, muttering wildly. “Why? Why?”

He jerked her veil aside, and those clear blue eyes focused on him. She even smiled. He did not look at the knife-hilt. His knife-hilt. He knew where the heart was in a body. “Why, Melindhra?”

“I always liked your pretty eyes,” she breathed, so faint he had to strain to hear.


“Some oaths are more important than others, Mat Cauthon.” The slim-bladed knife came up swiftly, all her remaining strength behind it, the point driving the dangling foxhead against his chest. The silver medallion should not have stopped a blade, but the angle was just that much wrong, and some hidden flaw in the steel snapped the blade off right at the hilt just as he caught her hand. “You have the Great Lord’s own luck.”

“Why?” he demanded. “Burn you, why?” He knew there would be no answer. Her mouth remained open, as though she might say something more, but her eyes were already beginning to glaze.

Everyone overlooks Tyrion no pun intended due to his height; but he is a Targaryen and a third of the trio of dragon heads in my opinion.  What if we have all been looking for Azor Ahai in the wrong place all along.  Like Mat; Tyrion doesn’t want to be a hero but heroes are made by the moments they find themselves in and not necessarily how they can fight with a sword.  We know that Tyrion seems to be in love with Dany.  The Prince that was Promised was said to come from the union between the Mad King and his sister Rhaella.  What if the woods witch that made this prophecy misinterpreted it like Melisandre so often does?  What if because he married his sister and found himself in an unhappy marriage.  Did he find his way back to the arms of the woman he truly loved and that coupling produced the hero that will step up when the time is needed?  Mat didn’t want to be a hero and this is what he said about it:

Mat strode through the dimly lit corridors of the palace and flung open the door of the rooms that had been set aside for the young hero of the battle against the Shaido. Not that he had spent much time there; hardly any. Servants had lit two of the stand-lamps. Hero! He was no hero! What did a hero get? An Aes Sedai patting you on the head before she sent you out like a hound to do it again. A noblewoman condescending to favor you with a kiss, or laying a flower on your grave.

Like I said this was sitting on the back burner so I dusted it off.  There are endless ways this thing can end and I am only presenting another possibility.   

Comments encouraged.  Love to hear the idea’s of others.  Most believe that since I present my idea’s as “fact like” I’m not open to change my viewpoints which is far from the truth.  I simply look at the information presented and go from there.  If you can shine a light on another way of thinking that opens the door to debate.

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