Saturday, February 9, 2019

What is the “Truth” to be found in Asshai?

Potential Spoilers Below

“With all the false Dragons that are appearing, it is not surprising someone would try to bring Lanfear into it.” Moiraine’s voice was as unruffled as her face, but inside herself she roiled. Only one thing for certain was known of Lanfear beside the name: before she went over to the Shadow, before Lews Therin Telamon met Ilyena, Lanfear had been his lover. A complication we do not need.”

I have believed for some time that Daenerys would turn evil.  Click here to see my thoughts on that.  Will Dany who has become Jon Snow's lover “go over to the Shadow” in a similar way as Lanfear?  I think she will and be yet another homage to the Wheel of Time.  In the books we have a good reason to believe that there is a false dragon by the name of Prince Aegon Targaryen aka “Young Griff” in the company of Jon Connington aka “Griff”.  Since I theorize that Azor Ahai told of in the old stories is the same individual as the Azor Ahai that is prophesied to be reborn it is perfect symmetry with the Wheel of Time (TWOT) analogy of  reincarnated souls.  Click here to see my theory on that.

What TWOT tells us of the lands under the Shadow:

Verin, with her nose still buried in her notes, noticed none of it. “I don’t know, Mother. I doubt it, though. We know nothing at all of those lands Artur Hawkwing set out to conquer. It’s too bad the Sea Folk refuse to cross the Aryth Ocean. They say the Islands of the Dead lie on the other side. I wish I knew what they meant by that, but that accursed Sea Folk closemouthedness. . . .” She sighed, still not raising her head. “All we have is one reference to ‘lands under the Shadow, beyond the setting sun, beyond the Aryth Ocean, where the Armies of Night reign.’ Nothing there to tell us if the armies Hawkwing sent were enough by themselves to defeat these ‘Armies of the Night,’ or even to survive Hawkwing’s death. Once the War of the Hundred Years started, everyone was too intent on carving out their own part of Hawkwing’s empire to spare a thought for his armies across the sea. It seems to me, Mother, that if their descendants still lived, and if they ever intended to return, they would not have waited so long.”

What ASOIAF tells us of Asshai-by-the-Shadow:

“Is there any truth to these grim fables brought back from the end of the earth by singers and sailors and dabblers in sorcery? Who can say? Lomas Longstrider never saw Asshai-by-the-Shadow. Even the Sea Snake never sailed so far. Those who did have not returned to tell us their tales.

Until they do, Asshai and the Shadow Lands and whatever lands and seas might lie beyond them must remain a closed book to wise men and kings alike. There is always more to know, more to see, more to learn. The world is vast and wondrous strange, and there are more things beneath the stars than even the archmaesters of the Citadel can dream”

“To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow.”

Asshai, Dany thought. She would have me go to Asshai. “Will the Asshai’i give me an army?” she demanded. “Will there be gold for me in Asshai? Will there be ships? What is there in Asshai that I will not find in Qarth?”

“Truth,” said the woman in the mask. And bowing, she faded back into the crowd.”

Will the “Truth” that Dany finds be something profoundly life shattering about who she is?  I think so.  The “lands under the Shadow” in TWOT equate to Asshai and being “beneath the shadow” in ASOIAF.  Artur Hawkwing is Ageon Targaryen aka “Aegon the Conqueror”, the Islands of the Dead is simply the Valyrian Peninsula and the Aryth Ocean is the Smoking Sea where no ships that travel to Valyria ever return.  Click here to see my theory on that.  Dany is Tuon, the “Daughter of the Nine Moons”, who believed that since her ancestor Artur Hawkwing ruled she was also entitled to do so also.  Dany is described thusly in the books: “She had been born on Dragonstone nine moons after their flight,”.  I believe that this is yet another homage to TWOT.  You will note that Dany also thought that just because her ancestors ruled Westeros that she was entitled to because of that fact alone.  She seems to totally forget that what Aegon took by force to begin his reign was roughly 300 years later taken by force from her ancestors through Robert’s Rebellion. 

The quote: “To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow” is similar to this TWOT reference:

“The north and the east must be as one. The west and the south must be as one. The two must be as one. If you would live, you must die.”

This to me is a reference to both Dany and Jon.  The first part about north/east, west/south & forward/back is the same as everything must be as one in TWOT.  The second part however to me is a reference to Jon Snow alone: “If you would live, you must die.”  We already know that Jon Snow has died.  In the books he is still dead but he will be brought back in the books also.  Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn, had to die in order to live and he began his new life in the body of his mortal enemy Moridin.  I had for sometime thought that this would apply to Jon Snow also.  But now I believe that will apply to Bran and it will be a short-lived life at that.  Click here to read more on that.  Jon Snow however will go on to live and found House Dayne IMHO.  Again if you haven’t read that theory above you can click here to read it now.

To sum things up I don’t think that the TV show will have time to explore Asshai.  But I do believe they will fast forward to the “Truth” of who/what Daenerys Targaryen is.  In the end she will become or has always been the darkness that will have the power to destroy everything.  Just my two cents.  What do you think?

Comments encouraged.  Love to hear the idea’s of others.  Most believe that since I present my idea’s as “fact like” I’m not open to change my viewpoints which is far from the truth.  I simply look at the information presented and go from there.  If you can shine a light on another way of thinking that opens the door to debate.


  1. Interesting read. Out of all the theories my favorite one is that fact that brandon stark is actually the night king.
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  2. I can't decide if this excerpt from The Wheel of Time will fit Bran, Dany or Jon. All 3 take on the characteristics of Rand al'Thor so I don't know who this will fit or will it again be divided among all 3:

    “And his paths shall be many, and who shall know his name, for he shall be born among us many times, in many guises, as he has been and ever will be, time without end. His coming shall be like the sharp edge of the plow, turning our lives in furrows from out of the places where we lie in our silence. The breaker of bonds; the forger of chains. The maker of futures; the unshaper of destiny.

    —from Commentaries on the Prophecies of the Dragon,
    by Jurith Dorine, Right Hand to the
    Queen of Almoren, 742 AB, the Third Age”
