Potential Spoilers Below
After returning to Ebou Dar
she made Altara (The Island of Dragonstone) the seat of
Seanchan (Targaryen) power in the Westlands (Westeros). She also became aware that Trollocs (White Walkers & Wights)
were real, and not just myths, as the Seanchan (Targaryen) had previously
believed. She met with the Dragon Reborn (Jon
Snow recently brought back from the dead) at Falme (Dragonstone), and, after barely
overcoming Rand's (Jon Snow's) ta'veren (Targaryen) attribute, was adamant that
he should bow before the Crystal Throne (Dragon Throne). This upset Rand (Jon), and he walked away from
the meeting. Tuon (Daenerys) later told Selucia (Missandei) that she feared they had
turned Rand (Jon) against them, saying that they had been against him before
but he had not been against them. After the meeting, she declared that she was Empress (Queen of the Seven Kingdoms), and took a new name,
Fortuona (maybe she adds another title to her name). It
should be said that Fortuona (Daenerys) only rules portions of the Westlands
(Westoros) and has not solidified her rule of the Seanchan (Western) continent.
White Walkers leading Wights |
The Dragon Reborn |
Jon Snow |
Dragonstone |
Daenerys sitting Dragonstone Throne |
Selucia and Tuon |
Missandei |
Tuon (Daenerys) again meets
with Rand (Jon Snow), this time after he has come to the acceptance of being
the Dragon Reborn (Azor Ahai or Rhaegar's son/her nephew) and she is
persuaded that she and her armies should join the Last
Battle (Great War). She signs the Dragon's
Peace (Peace agreement), which allows her to keep the
lands she has already conquered this side of the Aryth Ocean (Narrow
Sea), and to keep the captured female channelers
(n/a). She then appoints Mat (Tyrion) as rodholder (War General)
of the Seanchan empire (Targaryen armies), also naming him Prince of the Ravens (some Valyrian title) , and along with General Galgan (Ser Davos or
Ser Jorah), they begin preparations for
joining the fray.
Rhaegar Targaryen |
Mat - mantra: It's time to toss the dice |
Tyrion If you have read the books you know Tyrion has used a variety of ways to say "It's time to toss the dice" |
Ser Davos |
Ser Jorah |
I have been saying for years
now that these two stories (The Wheel of Time & A Song of Ice and Fire) are
linked. You can't make this stuff
up. Daenerys big advantage is air power using dragons; Tuon's big advantage is also air power using raken.
Dany riding Drogon |
Raken |
Can you not see the meeting
between Jon and Daenerys going down like this?
It has already played itself in TWOT; the names in () are simply the
people I have been saying all along line up with the characters in ASOIAF. For the haters who say I am making this up
you can find this information in the following locations:
I wrote of this meeting back
on 7 February 2016:
Comments encouraged. Love to hear the
ideas of others. Most believe that since I present my idea’s as “fact
like” I’m not open to change my viewpoints which is far from the truth. I
simply look at the information presented and go from there. If you can
shine a light on another way of thinking that opens the door to debate.
Very interesting. Now I'm eager to read "Wheel of Time" now. Thanks for bringing this to attention. It seems like these stories have something to tell us mortals about ourselves.