Potential Spoilers Below
How Jon Snow proves he is the Sword of the Morning
I have searched for a satisfactory answer as to
how I believe Jon
Snow can wield the sword Dawn,
which I believe to be Lightbringer, and become the next “Sword of the Morning” for the longest
time now and finally I believe I have done it based upon what came before in
the pages of the Wheel of Time. A lot of
people have come around to my theory of how Bran is actually Bran the Builder and a lot/most of the
famous Bran’s throughout Westerosi history.
If you don’t know that theory click here to see it. So, what do we know of the Dayne family and their family sword Dawn?
Jon Snow |
Dawn from the TV show |
Bran |
Bran the Builder as depicted by the DVD from the 1st Season. Notice that he is being carried around directing the building the Wall. |
“The Daynes of Starfall
are one of the most ancient houses in the Seven Kingdoms, though their fame
largely rests on their ancestral sword, called Dawn, and the men who wielded
it. Its origins
are lost to legend, but it seems likely that the Daynes have carried it for
thousands of years. Those who have had
the honor of examining it say it looks like no Valyrian steel
they know, being pale as milkglass but in all other respects it seems to share
the properties of Valyrian blades, being incredibly strong and sharp.
Though many houses have their heirloom swords,
they mostly pass the blades down from lord to lord. Some, such as the Corbrays have done, may lend the blade
to a son or brother for his lifetime, only to have it return to the lord. But
that is not the way of House Dayne. The wielder of Dawn is always given the title of Sword of the
Morning, and only a knight of House Dayne who is deemed worthy can carry it.”
“For this reason, the Swords of the Morning are
all famous throughout the Seven Kingdoms. There are boys who secretly dream of
being a son of Starfall so they might claim that storied sword and its title.
Most famous of all was Ser Arthur Dayne, the deadliest of King Aerys II’s Kingsguard, who defeated the Kingswood Brotherhood and won renown
in every tourney and mêlée. He died nobly with his sworn brothers at the end of
Robert’s Rebellion, after Lord Eddard Stark was said to have
killed him in single combat. Lord Stark then returned Dawn to Starfall, and to
Ser Arthur’s kin, as a sign of respect.”
Ser Arthur Dayne |
King Aerys II - The Mad King |
The TV show depicting Howland Reed stabbing Ser Arthur Dayne in the back as he was about to kill Ned Stark. |
What GRRM has said of the Dawn:
The same guy asked about the Daynes and the Sword
of the Morning, asking how that title is decided. George said the Sword of the
Morning is always a member of House Dayne, someone who is deemed worthy of
wielding Dawn as decided within the House, that whoever it is would have to
earn the right to wield it.
Question: What happened to Ser Arthur Dayne's
sword Dawn after Ned brought it back to Ashara?
Answer: Dawn remains at Starfall, until another
Sword of the Morning shall arise.
So, the question is if I think Bran was Bran
the Builder what happened? I believe
that Bran exists twice within the current story. I believe he is the Bran that we know that we
have seen become the 3-eyed crow but I also believe that he
exists right in front of us and we just didn’t know it. Remember what we learned from the TV show
that the weirwood
tree in which a singer resides takes on the face of said greenseer. Well the face of the weirwood tree at Winterfell looks ancient. I believe that Bran sits within that tree
right now carrying out his role as the 3-eyed crow. Click here to see that theory.
The 3-eyed crow who taught Bran. Notice that his face looks like the face of the weirwood tree in which he sits. |
Winterfell and its weirwood tree |
Bran staring at himself? |
So now lets go
back and take a look at Jon Snow’s father:
“As a young boy,
the Prince of Dragonstone was bookish
to a fault. He was reading so early that men said Queen
Rhaella must have swallowed some books and a candle whilst he
was in her womb. Rhaegar took no
interest in the play of other children. The maesters were awed by
his wits, but his father’s knights would jest sourly that Baelor the Blessed
had been born again. Until one day Prince Rhaegar found something in his scrolls
that changed him. No one knows what it
might have been, only that the boy suddenly appeared early one morning in the
yard as the knights were donning their steel. He walked up to Ser
Willem Darry, the master-at-arms, and said, ‘I will require
sword and armor. It seems I must be a warrior.’
Dragonstone |
Queen Rhaella |
Rhaegar |
So, what did he read and where did the scrolls
come from? I believe what he read came
from “Signs and Portents”
believe that the scrolls that he read that day told him of events to come
concerning himself, Lyanna Stark,
Ser Arthur Dayne,
Jon Snow and the events that could save their world. At the end of
the War of the Usurper, at the Tower of Joy, Lyanna Stark died and I used to believe that she gave
birth to Jon Snow who I believe was the reincarnated soul of Ser Arthur Dayne
who was known as the Sword of the
Morning; whom I believe died shortly before Jon Snow was born. I now
believe that Jon did the same thing that Bran did and goes back in time
physically and becomes the original Azor Ahai. He does this after everything in our story
plays out. After he is offered the Iron Throne
which he declines because he has to fulfill the destiny that he has always fulfilled
and founds the Dayne family line. This
is what I believe in part that which Rhaegar Targaryen passed onto his best friend
Ser Arthur Dayne. Something along the
lines that sword is never to be taken up again, after his death, until one who
comes along who can answer a question that has been passed down through the
Dayne family lords since their beginnings.
Only then will another Sword of the Morning be named again. This isn’t the only family that I believe carries
a secret that has been passed down from its beginning. I believe that the Starks had
a secret that was passed down, from father to son, but an event that occurred with
Ned’s father and brother happened and that secret has been lost. To see that theory click here.
Lyanna Stark |
The Tower of Joy |
The Iron Throne |
So how
would Jon Snow know the answer to said question and answer? He doesn’t; not until he does what he has to
do first. Jon Snow has had a recurring
dream but it always ends and he never finishes it. What is the dream?
you ever find anyone in your dream?” Sam
Sam |
shook his head. “No one. The castle is always empty.” He had never told anyone
of the dream, and he did not understand why he was telling Sam now, yet somehow
it felt good to talk of it. “Even the ravens are gone from the rookery, and the
stables are full of bones. That always scares me. I start to run then, throwing
open doors, climbing the tower three steps at a time, screaming for someone,
for anyone. And then I find myself in front of the door to the crypts.
It’s black inside, and I can see the steps spiraling down. Somehow I know I
have to go down there, but I don’t want to. I’m afraid of what might be waiting
for me. The old Kings of Winter are down there, sitting on their thrones with stone wolves at
their feet and iron swords across their laps, but it’s not them I’m afraid of.
I scream that I’m not a Stark, that this isn’t my place, but it’s no good, I
have to go anyway, so I start down, feeling the walls as I descend, with no
torch to light the way. It gets darker and darker, until I want to scream.” He
stopped, frowning, embarrassed. “That’s when I always wake.” His skin cold and
clammy, shivering in the darkness of his cell. Ghost would leap up beside him,
his warmth as comforting as daybreak. He would go back to sleep with his face
pressed into the direwolf’s shaggy
white fur. “Do you dream of Horn Hill?”
Jon asked.
The Winterfell Crypts |
Horn Hill |
answer to who lies within the Crypts of Winterfell. You all know who I believe is there; Bran. So, Bran being the 3-eyed crow will know the question
and the answer that has been passed down the Dayne Family line since its
beginning through his greensight abilities.
The new teaser trailer for Season 8 lets us all know that everything
about that trailer is about Jon Snow and who he really is. As Jon, Sansa
and Arya make their way through
the Crypts of Winterfell we hear the following: Lyanna’s statue whipsers “You
have to protect him.” her words to her brother Ned, Catelyn’s
statue whispers “All this horror that has come to my family. It’s all because I couldn’t love a motherless
child.” and Ned’s statue whispers “You are a Stark. You may not have my name but you have my
blood.” All the whispers are referring
to Jon Snow. I believe that Jon will
make his journey into the Crypts alone after speaking with the Bran we know and
when he gets to the weirwood tree, the catacombs that make up the crypts, he will find Bran, an old frail man, sitting
there. It will be this Bran who will let
him in on this secret. Jon Snow will
eventually make his way to Starfall, most likely riding on a dragon, and claim the sword Dawn which will in his hands become
Lightbringer as it did so many thousands of years ago.
Arya, Sansa and Jon |
Catelyn |
Drogon |
do I come to this theory? I didn’t
really because that is kind of what happened in The Wheel of Time to the
character Rand
al’Thor who became the Dragon
Reborn. He was the reincarnated Lews
Therin Telamon who was the original Dragon. Time travel is funny and the same way Hodor was Hodor before Bran was born who made him the way he was; I
believe the same thing to be true concerning Bran the Builder and Azor Ahai. So, with that being said everything that GRRM
said about Dawn holds true. Only a
member of House Dayne who is deemed worthy as decided within the House and the
sword remaining at Starfall. Without Jon
Snow their House would cease to be by not giving him the sword. Below is the story of what Rand al’Thor did to
prove he was the Dragon Reborn; what I believe Jon Snow has to do in order to
claim the sword Dawn and become once again the Sword of the Morning as he
always was.
Lews Therin Telamon aka The Lord of the Morning |
Hodor |
The Wheel
of Time: How Rand proved he was the Dragon Reborn
“Rand al’Thor,” Paitar
said. “I have a question for you. How you answer will determine the outcome of
this day.”
“What kind of question?” Cadsuane
Cadsuane |
“Cadsuane, please,” Rand said, holding up his
hand. “Lord Paitar, I see it in your eyes. You know that I am the Dragon
Reborn. Is this question necessary?”
“It is vital, Lord al’Thor,” Paitar replied.
“It drove us here, though my allies did not know it from the start. I have
always believed you to be the Dragon Reborn. That made my quest here even more
Min frowned. The aging soldier reached down to his
sword hilt, as if ready to draw. The Maidens grew more alert. With a start,
Min realized Paitar was still standing close to Rand. Too close.”
Maidens of the Spear |
“He could have that sword out and swinging for
Rand’s neck in an eyeblink, she realized. Paitar placed himself there to be
ready to strike.”
“Rand didn't break his gaze from the monarch.
"Ask your question."
"Who?" Min asked, looking at
Cadsuane. The Aes Sedai
shook her head, confused.
"How do you know that name?" Rand
"Answer the question," Easar
said, hand on his hilt, body tense. Around them, ranks of men prepared
“She was a clerk," Rand said. "During
the Age
of Legends. Demandred, when he came for me after
founding the Eighty
and One . . . She fell in the fighting, lightning from
the sky . . . Her blood on my hands . . . How do you know that name!"
Demandred |
Ethenielle looked to Easar, then to Tenobia, then finally to Paitar. He
nodded, then closed his eyes, letting out a sigh that sounded relieved. He took
his hand from his sword.
"Rand al'Thor," Ethenielle said,
"Dragon Reborn. Would you kindly sit down and speak with us? We will
answer your questions."
Why have I never heard of this so-called prophecy?" Cadsuane asked.
"Its nature required secrecy," King
Paitar said. They all sat on cushions in a large tent in the middle of the
Borderlander army. It made Cadsuane' shoulders itch, being surrounded like
this, but the fool boy—he would al-ways be a fool boy, no matter how old he
was—looked perfectly at peace
Thirteen Aes Sedai waited outside the tent,
which wasn't large enough for them all. Thirteen. That hadn't made al'Thor
blink. What man who could channel would sit amid thirteen Aes Sedai and not
He's changed, Cadsuane told herself. You're
just going to have to accept that Not that he didn't need her anymore. Men like
him grew overly confident A few little successes, and he'd trip over his own
feet and land in some predicament.
But. . . well, she was proud of him. Grudgingly
proud. A little.
"It was given by an Aes Sedai of my own
family line," Paitar continued. The square-faced man sipped a small cup of
tea. "My ancestor, Reo Myershi, was the only one who
heard it. He
ordered the words preserved, passed from monarch to monarch, for this
"Speak them to me," Rand said.
"I see him before you!" Paitar
quoted. "Him,
the one who lives many lives, the one who gives deaths, the one who raises
mountains. He will break what he must break, but first “he stands here, before
our king. You will bloody him! Measure his restraint. He speaks! How was the
fallen slain? Tellindal Tirraso, murdered by his hand, the darkness that came
the day after the light. You must ask, and you must know your fate. If he
cannot answer . . ."
He trailed off, falling silent.
"What?" Min asked.
"If he cannot answer," Paitar said,
"then you will be lost. You will bring his end swiftly, so that the final
days may have their storm. So that Light may not be consumed by he who was to
have preserved it. I see him. And I weep."
"You came to murder him, then,"
Cadsuane said. “To test him,"
Tenobia said. "Or so we decided, once Paitar told us of the
"You don't know how close you came to
doom," Rand said softly. "If I had come to you but a short time
earlier, I'd have returned those slaps with balefire."
"Inside the Guardian?" Tenobia sniffed
"The Guardian blocks the One Power,"
Rand whispered. "The One Power only."
What does he mean by that? Cadsuane thought,
"We knew well the risk," Ethenielle
said proudly. I demanded the right to
slap you first. Our armies had orders to attack if we fell.
“My family has analyzed the words of the
prophecy a hundred times over," Paitar said. "The meaning seemed
clear. It was our task to test the Dragon Reborn. To see if he could be trusted
to go to the Last
"Only a month earlier," Rand said. "I wouldn't have
had the memories to answer you. This was a foolish gambit. If you had killed
me, then all would have been lost."
"A gamble," Paitar said evenly.
"Perhaps another would have risen in your stead."
"No," Rand said. "This prophecy
was like the others. A declaration of what might happen, not advice.”
Comments encouraged.
Love to hear the idea’s of others. Most believe that since I present my
idea’s as “fact like” I’m not open to change my viewpoints which is far from
the truth. I simply look at the information presented and go from there.
If you can shine a light on another way of thinking that opens the door to