Potential Spoilers Below
The Game of Thrones:
An Event that brought down a kingdom
Tragedy at Summerhall was a fire at
Summerhall, a pleasure castle of House Targaryen in the Dornish Marches, in 259 AC. The conflagration caused the
deaths of, among others, King Aegon V Targaryen, his eldest son,
Prince Duncan Targaryen, and Ser Duncan the Tall, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.
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Tragedy at Summerhall |
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Aegon V Targaryen |
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Prince Duncan Targaryen |
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Ser Duncan the Tall |
The cause of the fire is as yet unknown, but was connected with King Aegon's desire to restore dragons to the Seven Kingdoms. The last years of his reign were consumed by a search for ancient lore about the dragon breeding of Valyria, and it was said that Aegon commissioned journeys to places as far away as Asshai, with the hopes of finding texts and knowledge that had not been preserved in Westeros.
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The Seven Kingdoms |
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Valyria |
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Asshai-by-the-Shadow |
In 259 AC, Aegon summoned many of those closest to him to Summerhall to celebrate the impending birth of his first great-grandchild to Aerys and Rhaella, the children of Aegon's heir Prince Jaehaerys.
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King Aerys |
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Rhaella |
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King Jaehaerys |
A page from Archmaester Gyldayn's history of House Targaryen hints at the events of the tragedy, but a mishap led to ink blotting out much of the information:
blood of the dragon gathered in one …
seven eggs,
to honor the seven gods, though the king's own septon had warned …
pyromancers …
fire …
flames grew out of control … towering … burned so hot that …
died, but for the valor of the Lord Comman …”
died, and fire destroyed the castle, leaving it a ruin. According to Ser Barristan Selmy, sorcery
was involved.
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Barristan Selmy |
Known attendees
Known deaths
Aegon V Targaryen
Duncan Targaryen
Duncan the Tall, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
Known survivors
Rhaella Targaryen
Rhaegar Targaryen, born during the Tragedy
woods witch dear to Jenny of Oldstones. Ser Barristan
Selmy believes she died; however, his description of her matches the appearance
of the ghost of High Heart, who speaks of
having "gorged
on grief at Summerhall" and mentions "my Jenny" with grief.
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Jenny of Oldstones |
tragedy that transpired at Summerhall left very few witnesses alive, and those
who survived would not speak of it. The death of King Aegon brought Jaehaerys
II Targaryen to the throne, but he had to put aside his grief and make
immediate plans for the War of the Ninepenny Kings. The young Ser Gerold Hightower became the new Lord Commander
of the Kingsguard.
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Gerold Hightower |
Rhaegar Targaryen, who was born at
Summerhall amongst the flames, often returned there alone, with not even the
Kingsguard for company. He would sleep under the stars in the ruined hall, and
would be inspired to compose songs for his harp, about "twilights and tears and the death of
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Rhaegar Targaryen |
The Game of Thrones: What I believed
also took place
believe that Jenny of Oldstones was pregnant.
I believe that the woods witch that Arya encounters is truly Jenny’s
mother. The following from the books
explains why I think so:
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Arya |
dwarf woman studied her with dim red eyes. “I see you,” she whispered. “I see
you, wolf child. Blood child. I thought it was the lord who smelled of death .
. .” She began to sob, her little body shaking. “You are cruel to come to my
hill, cruel. I
gorged on grief at Summerhall, I need none of yours. Begone from
here, dark heart. Begone!”
aye. My Jenny’s
song. Is there another?”
of Oldstones was accompanied to court by a dwarfish, albino woman who was reputed to be a
woods witch in the riverlands. Lady Jenny herself claimed, in her ignorance, that she was a
child of the forest.”
you replace the word woods with forest and if the woods witch is indeed her mother
then she would
be a child of the forest.
Maybe it wasn’t ignorance at all but simply a misunderstanding by those
around her. I believe that she was
indeed the daughter of the woods witch and the reason she accompanied Jenny to
what Ser Barristan Selmy said is true concerning sorcery then couldn’t it be
possible that it
was carried out by the woods witch herself? Then couldn’t it be possible that Jenny
trying to save her beloved Prince Duncan Targaryen was overcome with the flames and was burned
horribly and because of that left carrying what I believe was a son. I then believe she left the Seven Kingdoms to
be as far away from the woods witch as possible because of her own grief. The grief that the
woods witch speaks to Arya of gorging on was due to the loss of her daughter who was no
longer in her life. Could it
then not be plausible that it was the woods witch herself who caused the fire as
payback for the slight of her daughter not being good enough to be queen? Hence she was the one to make the prophecy of the Prince that was Promised coming from
the union from the line of Prince Aerys and Princess Rhaella’s marriage out of spite. Forcing Aery’s to be miserable in that
marriage because it wasn’t for love and causing misery in how everything played
out ending the Targaryen Dynasty as the ruling family in Westeros. The union creates Rhaegar who falls in love
with Lyanna Stark which started Robert’s Rebellion that left King
Aerys and Prince Rhaegar, Lyanna, his wife and their children dead. Could it have been Jenny that put her mother
up to using sorcery to put an end to Rhaella’s pregnancy in a most cruel
fashion? The question then remains; who
was her son? I’ll go into that a
bit. Now I will explain to you how I
came to this in the first place.
The Wheel of Time: Event that brought
down a kingdom
was part of the Borderlands,
lying north of Shienar.
The nation was swallowed by the Blight in 955 NE, causing Shienar to
become the northernmost of the Borderlands. The capital was Seven Towers. The sign of Malkier was a golden crane. Malkieri men are
recognized by a braided leather cord they wear called a hadori.
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Hadori |
Malkier endured against the Shadow for almost a thousand years, until it was destroyed in 955 NE. Lain Mandragoran, the brother of King al'Akir Mandragoran, took five thousand lancers to the Blasted Lands as part of a wager laid by his wife Breyan and was killed. He was survived by his son Isam (Slayer). Al'Akir's refusal to support Lain's foolishness saw Breyan plot to have him and his young son Lan killed so her own son Isam could take the throne. Cowin Gemallan, a Malkieri noble but also a Darkfriend, supported Breyan's plan and attempted a coup against al'Akir.
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Lain Mandragoran |
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al'Akir Mandragoran |
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Cowin Gemallan |
The coup failed, but the Blightborder forts were stripped bare and a major Shadowspawn invasion was able to break through the lines. Breyan and Isam were apparently killed and much of the kingdom laid waste, although the famed scout Jain Charin, already called Farstrider, was able to take Gemallen prisoner and bring him back to the Seven Towers to face al'Akir in single combat, where he was killed. Al'Akir abdicated the throne to his son Lan, anointing him a Diademed Battle Lord, and sent him south to Shienar to be raised in safety, before rallying the last of the Malkieri to fight the Shadow. Al'Akir was killed, Malkier was overrun, the Seven Towers were destroyed, and the Blightborder was pushed a hundred miles or more to the south, until troops from the other Borderlands met the Shadowspawn at the Stair of Jehaan and turned them back.
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Jain Farstrider |
The Wheel of Time: What happened to the
son (Isam)?
Malkier was overrun by Trollocs, Isam was one of the few Malkieri to escape.
His mother Breyan Mandragoran fled with him into the blight, but they were
attacked by Trollocs. Isam survived this encounter and as a child, grew up in
the Town. There he lived a
very dangerous life, where each day was a struggle to survive surrounded by Samma N'Sei and Myrddraal. He learned to kill
very early and this upbringing is what has honed him into the hunter he is
Town is a town in the Great Blight, located not far from the valley of Thakan'dar
at the foot of Shayol Ghul. It is a
sprawling, ramshackle settlement that has existed for over two thousand years
and was constructed by forced labor.
Town is inhabited mainly by darkfriends and the people enslaved by them.
appears to follow some of the same rules as Shayol Ghul itself; for example, channeling
can be restricted to those with the Great
Lord's favor.
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The Great Lord aka The Dark One |
was raised in the Town from a very young age, and still uses it as a "base
camp" when he is in the waking world. The Town also contains a great
percentage of Samma
N'Sei and their relatives.
The Game of Thrones: What happened to
Jenny’s son?
what happened in TWOT I believe that Jenny made her way to Pentos and maybe was killed and thus her son was orphaned. So who do I believe this orphaned boy to be;
why none other than Varys himself.
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Varys |
was born as a slave in Lys, according to Grand Maester Pycelle. Varys himself says that he was orphaned, and was
apprenticed to a traveling folly, a troupe of mummers who worked the Free
Cities, Oldtown, and occasionally King's Landing, by means
of a fat little cog owned by the troupe's master. I choose to believe Varys. During their stay in Myr, a man offered a large sum of money for Varys, an offer
his master found too tempting to refuse. The man gave Varys a potion that made
him powerless to move or speak, but did nothing to dull his senses as his
manhood was cut off at the stem, then burnt in a brazier in a Blood
Magic ritual. Varys claims to have
held a hatred for all things magical ever since.
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Grand Maester Pycelle |
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Old Town |
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King's Landing |
the ritual complete, the man had no further use for Varys and tossed him out on
the streets. Varys asked the man what he should do, to which the sorcerer
replied he supposed that he should die. Varys to spite him vowed to live. By
that time the mummers had sailed and Varys was left alone. He resorted to
begging, prostitution and thievery and soon was as good a thief as any in Myr,
eventually becoming recognized as the best thief in the city, until a rival forced
him out and he fled to Pentos.
Pentos, Varys was marked by his accent, and once it became known he was a
eunuch, he was despised and beaten. Varys was poor, and slept in sewers during
the day, whilse prowling the rooftops at night. He made an agreement with a
poor sellsword named Illyrio Mopatis, and
together they started a business, where Varys would steal objects from lesser
thieves and Illyrio would get the objects back for their original owners for a
small fee. Soon, everyone in Pentos who ever had valuables stolen from them
knew who to ask to get their belongings back. In addition, the thieves in
Pentos soon began to seek Varys out, half to try (and failing) to kill him, the
other half to sell him the objects they had stolen in order to prevent Varys
from stealing them. Varys and Illyrio quickly grew rich.
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Illyrio Mopatis |
Varys came to the realization that information was much more valuable than gold and gems and began training his spy network, then known as "little mice", to acquire the information, letters, ledgers and charts of the wealthy and powerful. The "mice" were orphans purchased by Varys; he chose those that were small, quick, and quiet, and taught them to read and write, as well as the skills required for sneak thievery such as climbing walls and slipping down chimneys, so that they might copy the information Varys desired without disturbing or alarming their targets.
secrets increased Varys and Illyrio's wealth tenfold, and in time Varys became
so infamous that word of his talents reached the ears of King Aerys across the
narrow sea, who in his growing paranoia no longer trusted his son, his wife, or
his Hand.
Isam each day for Varys was a struggle to survive. Like Isam Varys also reaches back to where he
grew up back in Pentos but he conducts business concerning information.
The Wheel of Time: What is an hadori?
hadori is a thin, braided leather headband worn by Malkieri men that holds back their hair. Hadoris have not been seen very often since the downfall of
Malkier. When a young Malkieri boy is given his hadori by a male relative or a
Malkieri male acting in the place of a relative, it means that he has become a
man among the Malkieri, more so than gaining his sword which, among the
Borderlanders is a symbol of the transition from boyhood to manhood. Malkieri
who wear the hadori are buried in it. After the fall of Malkier the hadori
remains a symbol of the Malkieri people and their commitment to stand against
the darkness.
The Game of Thrones: An anagram of
hadori is hairdo
believe that the fact that Jenny wove flowers in her hair is an homage to the
hadori itself. There are songs written
about Jenny of Oldstones with the flowers in her hair.
The Game of Thrones: Trial by battle
In TWOW there was
a prisoner Gemallen was brought back to the Seven Towers to face the king
al’Akir in single combat, where he was killed.
In TGOT when Prince Duncan broke his betrothal to Lord Lyonel Baratheon’s
daughter it resulted in a short rebellion.
Ser Duncan the Tall fought in the name of the royal family against
Lyonel in a trial by combat. Lyonel yielded to Ser Duncan and Prince
Duncan renounced his claim to the throne, and King Aegon agreed to betroth his
youngest daughter, Princess Rhaelle Targaryen
to Lyonel’s heir, Ormund Baratheon.
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Ser Duncan and Lyonel Baratheon Trial by Combat |
The Wheel of Time:
Who exactly is Isam?
was of royal blood in the Kingdom of Malkier, cousin of Lan Mandragoran, last
of the Malkieri kings.
looks very similar to Lan. He is tall and muscular with thick arms. He is
tanned with dark hair and blue eyes which appear black in tel'aran'rhiod. Perrin Aybara
comments that his scent smells inhuman, like a man mixed with stone.
The Game of Thrones:
Who exactly is Varys?
If what I say
holds true Varys is a Targaryen. It
would kind of explain why he was used in the Blood Magic ritual. He reminds me of his grandfather Aegon or Egg
as a boy in the “Tales of Dunk and Egg” as far as his bald head. It would also hide his hair being bald that
would bring out his Targaryen looks.
Forever I have
thought of the “mummers
dragon” was Aegon with Varys being
the mummer. Now that I look at it this
way I see the troupe
of mummers that raised Varys as the mummer and Varys himself would then be the
Where Isam looked
like 2 different people because he was merged with another the reason why Varys
is a mummer and able to disguise himself so well? I could see Bran who is the Perrin Aybara
character from TWOT making a similar comment about Aegon Targaryen aka “Egg”
and Varys; saying they look similar to each other.
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Bran |
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Egg |
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Varys as a boy in Pentos |
Both Isam and
Varys are king’s brothers sons. Both
grandmothers if my theory holds were matchmakers. I could also see Jenny of Oldstones thinking
the king would restore Prince Duncan as his heir making her queen and their son
the next king if his current first great grandson met an untimely demise. Thus she was the one that put the woods witch
up to burning down Summerhall. When the
plan didn’t go as planned she grew angry with her mother and left with her son
after giving birth.
encouraged. Love to hear the idea’s of others. Most believe that
since I present my idea’s as “fact like” I’m not open to change my viewpoints
which is far from the truth. I simply look at the information presented
and go from there. If you can shine a light on another way of thinking
that opens the door to debate.
King's Blood - This would explain why Varys was used in the ritual as he was. We always hear Melisandre talking about using King's Blood for her rituals.
ReplyDeleteI think I just got another piece of evidence to back up my theory that the Ghost of High Heart may indeed be the mother of Jenny of Oldstones: