Spoilers Below
I keep telling everyone that
similarities between The Wheel of Time (TWOT) and A Song of Ice and Fire
(ASOIAF) are vast even if there are those out there that say otherwise.
Liandrin’s Plan?
“Give us your tale
again,” Egwene commanded.
“Use different words, this time. I am tired of listening to memorized stories.”
If she was lying, there was more chance she would trip herself up telling it
differently. “We will hear you out.” That was for Nynaeve’s benefit; she gave a loud sniff, then a
curt nod.
Joiya shrugged. “As you wish. Let me see.
Different words. The false Dragon, Mazrim
Taim, who was captured in Saldaea, can channel with
incredible strength. Perhaps as much as Rand
al’Thor, or nearly so, if the reports
can be believed. Before he can be brought to Tar Valon and gentled, Liandrin means to
break him free. He will be proclaimed claimed as the Dragon Reborn, his name
given as Rand al’Thor, and then he will be set to destruction on such a scale as
the world has not seen since the War of the Hundred Years.”
“That is impossible,”
Nynaeve broke in. “The Pattern will not accept a false Dragon, not
now that Rand has proclaimed himself.”
Egwene sighed. They had
had this out before, but Nynaeve always argued the point. She was not sure
Nynaeve really believed that Rand was the Dragon Reborn, no matter what she
said, no matter the Prophecies and Callandor and the fall of the Stone. Nynaeve was just enough older than
he to have looked after him when he was a child, just as she had after Egwene.
He was an Emond’s Fielder, and Nynaeve still saw her first duty as
protecting the people of Emond’s Field.
“Is that what Moiraine told
you?” Joiya asked with a touch of contempt. “Moiraine has spent little time in
the Tower since
she was raised, and not much more with her sisters anywhere. I suppose she
knows the workings of village life, perhaps even something of the politics
between nations, but she does claim certainty about matters learned only
through study and discussion with those who know. Still, she might be correct. Mazrim Taim might
well find it impossible to proclaim himself. But if others do it for him, is
there a difference that matters?”
Egwene wished Moiraine
would come back. The woman would not speak so confidently if Moiraine were
there. Joiya knew very well that she and Nynaeve were only Accepted. It made a difference.
“Go on,” Egwene said,
almost as harshly as Nynaeve. “And remember, different words.”
“Of course,” Joiya
replied, as though responding to a gracious invitation, but her eyes glittered
like chips of black glass. “You can see the obvious result. Rand al’Thor will be blamed
for the depredations of . . . Rand al’Thor. Even proof that they are not the
same man may well be dismissed. After all, who can say what tricks the Dragon
Reborn can play? Perhaps put himself in two places at once. Even the sort who
have always rallied to a false Dragon will hesitate in the face of the
indiscriminate slaughter and worse laid at his feet. Those who do not shrink at
such butchery will seek out the Rand al’Thor who seems to revel in blood. The
nations will unite as they did in the Aiel War . . .” She gave Aviendha an apologetic smile, incongruous
beneath those merciless eyes. “ . . . but no doubt much more quickly. Even the Dragon
Reborn cannot stand against that, not forever. He will be crushed before the
Last Battle even begins, by the very ones he was meant to save. The Dark One
will break free, the day of Tarmon
Gai’don will come, and the Shadow will cover
the earth and remake the Pattern for all time. That is Liandrin’s plan.” There
was not a hint of satisfaction in her voice, but no horror, either.
It was a plausible
story, more plausible than Amico’s tale of a few eavesdropped sentences,
but Egwene believed Amico and not Joiya. Perhaps because she wanted to. A vague
threat in Tanchico was
easier to face than this fully fleshed plan to turn every hand against Rand.
No, she thought. Joiya is lying. I am sure she is. Yet they could not afford to
ignore either story. But they could not chase after both, not with any hope of
The door banged open,
and Moiraine strode in, with Elayne following. The Daughter-Heir was frowning at the floor in front of
her toes, lost in dark thoughts, but Moiraine . . . . For once the Aes Sedai’s
serenity had vanished; fury painted her face.
Cersei’s Plan?
I can see Cersei doing something just like this to turn
the people to her side. I don’t know if it will be her that comes up with the
idea; most likely it will come from Qyburn. Either way
Cersei will take the credit. How hard
would it really be? The Night King didn’t go straight to Winterfell so it looks like he is still building his
forces. Ravage and kill the people along
the border of Winterfell and add them to your Army before you actually march on
the north’s stronghold. In the meantime,
as word makes it south there are whispers of farms, villages and castles alike
being burned by dragons. Daenerys has already flown to King’s Landing on dragon back so they have already been that image. That story has spread across the realm by now. Cersei has an unwitting accomplice in the
Night King and simply spreads the word that it is the Dragon Queen who is ravishing
the Seven Kingdoms. People look for
someone to save them and her Army grows by the thousands in the fight against
the very people who are trying to save them.
Could she get a majority of the Seven Kingdoms to rally to her side in
hopes of defeating Dany, the bastard of Ned Stark and her invading armies from across the narrow sea?
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My Queen, I think its working. |
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I love it when a plan comes together |
Comments encouraged. Love to hear the idea’s of
others. Most believe that since I present my idea’s as “fact like” I’m
not open to change my viewpoints which is far from the truth. I simply
look at the information presented and go from there. If you can shine a
light on another way of thinking that opens the door to debate.
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