Spoilers Below
the ties that
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Tyrion and Daenerys |
ASOIAF: Where we
left them
“The carcass was too heavy for him to
bear back to his lair, so Drogon consumed his kill there, tearing at the
charred flesh as the grasses burned around them, the air thick with drifting
smoke and the smell of burnt horsehair. Dany, starved, slid off his back and
ate with him, ripping chunks of smoking meat from the dead horse with bare,
burned hands. In Meereen I was a queen in silk, nibbling on stuffed dates and
honeyed lamb, she remembered. What would my noble husband think if he could see
me now? Hizdahr would be horrified, no doubt. But Daario … Daario would laugh,
carve off a hunk of horsemeat with his arakh, and squat down to eat beside her.
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Drogon |
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Meereen |
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Hizdahr |
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Daario |
As the western sky turned the color of a
blood bruise, she heard the sound of approaching horses. Dany rose, wiped her
hands on her ragged undertunic, and went to stand beside her dragon.
That was how Khal Jhaqo found her, when
half a hundred mounted warriors emerged from the drifting smoke.”
“Or dead dwarfs,” said Jorah Mormont.
“We are all like to be feeding worms by the time this battle is done. The
Yunkai’i have lost this war, though it may take them some time to know it.
Meereen has an army of Unsullied infantry, the finest in the world. And Meereen
has dragons. Three of them, once the queen returns. She will. She must. Our
side consists of two score Yunkish lordlings, each with his own half-trained
monkey men. Slaves on stilts, slaves in chains … they may have troops of blind
men and palsied children too, I would not put it past them.”
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Ser Jorah Mormont |
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Yunkai |
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Unsullied infantry |
“Oh, I know,” said Tyrion. “The Second Sons are on the losing side. They need to turn their cloaks again and do it
now.” He grinned. “Leave that to me.”
the TV show the two have already met but for this we are going the route of the
TWOT: Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag and
Matrim Cauthon – what binds them?
or simply Mat is a ta’veren. Ta’veren are people
around whom the Wheel of Time specifically weaves the Pattern with all
surrounding life-threads. While
taking refuge in Shadar Logoth with Rand and Perrin the three ta’veren’s
encounter Mordeth who offer them treasure and then attacks them. Mat takes the ruby hilted dagger which
infects him and he almost dies as a result of it. His connection to the ruby hilted dagger also
leaves holes in his memories and he forgets a lot of the events after he
encounters Mordeth. The connection to
the dagger is removed when he is taken to Tar Valon and the Aes Sedai save his
life. While in Tear he is told
about the twisted red doorframe there which turns out to be a ter’angreal. This door leads to the land of the Aelfinn. The Aelfinn will give you the answer to 3
questions asked. One thing he learns
when he goes through the door is that he is fated to marry the Daughter of the Nine Moons. Mat is bestowed with luck,
because of his ta’veren nature, that makes him almost unbeatable at games of
chance and life in general. The luck
also warns him when something dangerous or important is about to happen by
having the sound of dice rattling in his head and stopping when the event is
imminent. Mat goes through another
twisted red doorframe at Rhuidean which leads to the Eelfinn who grant 3 wishes. Mat not knowing this starts asking questions
thinking he is speaking to the same creatures but they don’t answer. Frustrated he starts making demands. One thing he unknowingly asks for is to have
the holes in his memory filled. The
Eelfinn oblige by giving him the memories of great generals dating thousands of
years back. Mat enters the world of the
Finn once more when he enters the Tower of Ghenjei.
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Perrin - Rand - Mat |
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Shadar Logoth |
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Mordeth |
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Ruby-hilted dagger |
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Twised Red Doorframe in Tear |
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Rhuidean |
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The Tower of Ghenjei |
is the second and favorite daughter of the Empress of the Seanchan empire.
“Behind her veil, she was merely the
High Lady Tuon, of no higher rank than many others of the Blood, but in her
heart, always, she was Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag, Daughter of the Nine Moons, and she
had come to reclaim what had been stolen from her ancestor.”
Her people the Seanchan have crossed the
Aryth Ocean and are in the process of re-conquering the lands that were once
held by Artur Hawkwing. The Seanchen are
formidable warriors.
It is said of the Seanchan that they
come from the Islands of the Dead from which no ship returns.
Mat and Tuon stories come to a head when
he is in the process of fleeing Ebou Dar.
At the stableyard, Tuon confronts him and he grabs her. Egeanin and the others arrive and she names
Tuon the Daughter of the Nine Moons. Mat
stunned and talking out loud names her his wife three times. Mat not knowing what to do takes Tuon with
them as a captive when they leave the city.
Egeanin tells Mat the following after they leave Ebou Dar:
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Bayle and Egeanin |
“You named her your wife three times
that night in Ebou Dar,” she said slowly. “You really don’t know? A woman says
three times that a man is her husband, and he says three times she’s his wife,
and they’re married. There are blessings involved, usually, but it’s saying it
in front of witnesses that makes it a marriage. You really didn’t know?”
Mat knows because of the answers he received
from the Aelfinn that one day she will speak the words to truly make her his
wife. Tuon was told by a truth speaker
that she would one day marry the man that remembers Hawkwing’s face. Since Mat was given the memories of great
generals he remembers Hawkwings face.
Mat and Tuon undergo a strange courtship during their travels. Months later the Seanchan Banner-General Furyk Karede arrives after searching for Tuon, Mat decides to let her go with
him back to Ebou Dar. Tuon stunning
everyone says the words that Mat is her husband three times completing the marriage
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Banner-General Furyk Karede |
“All those battles with the flaming dice
rattling away in his head, all those skirmishes and raids, and they had to stop
when she said a few words.”
ASOIAF: What I believe will bind Tyrion and Daenerys?
First of all I have already posted a blog that shows how I believe that Tyrion is the Mat character from TWOT. Click on the link below for the details:
In TWOT Tuon is kidnapped by Mat and that brings then together. In ASOIAF Ser Jorah kidnaps Tyrion and that is what will ultimately bring Dany and Tyrion together.
Both book readers and show viewers know that Tyrion was almost killed because of the dagger that was used in an attempt to kill Bran Stark. That dagger was said to belong to Tyrion and kicked off the War of the Five Kings after Catelyn Stark takes him prisoner. To me that dagger is a homage to the ruby hilted dagger from TWOT. Had it not been for what I believe his luck and knowledge that he obtained through reading, which I see as Mat’s memories being filled with great generals dating back thousands of years, he would have been killed also.
Both book readers and show viewers know that Tyrion was almost killed because of the dagger that was used in an attempt to kill Bran Stark. That dagger was said to belong to Tyrion and kicked off the War of the Five Kings after Catelyn Stark takes him prisoner. To me that dagger is a homage to the ruby hilted dagger from TWOT. Had it not been for what I believe his luck and knowledge that he obtained through reading, which I see as Mat’s memories being filled with great generals dating back thousands of years, he would have been killed also.
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The dagger used in the attempt to kill Bran Notice that it has a ruby-hilt like that in TWOT |
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War of the Five Kings |
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Catelyn Stark |
“I must do my part for the honor of my
House, wouldn’t you agree? Yet how? Well, my legs may be too small for my body,
but my head is too large, although I prefer to think it is just large enough
for my mind. I have a realistic grasp of my own strengths and weaknesses. My
mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer, and I have my mind
… and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its
edge.” Tyrion tapped the leather cover of the book. “That’s why I read
so much, Jon Snow.”
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King Robert |
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Robert and his warhammer |
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Jon Snow |
who have read the ASOIAF books know that when placed in situations where Tyrion
has to fight he has shown himself to possess a keen mind for strategy, as is
evidenced in his research in defending against sieges and successfully
conducting the defense of King's Landing during the Battle of the Blackwater.
Tyrion prides himself on his ability to read people as easily as he does books,
and he has on many occasions easily gotten the better of not just Joffrey and
Cersei but also experienced players such as Littlefinger and Pycelle.
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King's Landing |
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Joffrey |
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Cersei |
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Littlefinger |
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Pycelle |
Daenerys to me is the Tuon character
from TWOT. This description to me of her
makes her the Daughter of the Nine Moons.
had been born on Dragonstone nine moons after their flight,”
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Dragonstone |
She like Tuon was the second daughter of
Aerys and Rhaella if you count Shaena who was stillborn. The other miscarriages and the gender of the
children were not known.
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Aerys |
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Rhaella |
Like Tuon she also is trying to reclaim
her families title and lands; which she perceives as being stolen from her.
Valyria where the Targaryen’s came from
is now known as a place where ships who travel to almost never return.
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Valyria |
Like Mat going through and receiving
answers to his questions; Daenerys was provided the same in the House of the Undying:
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House of the Undying |
“I have come for the gift of truth,”
Dany said. “In the long hall, the things I saw . . . were they true visions, or
lies? Past things, or things to come? What did they mean?”
. . . the shape of shadows . . . morrows
not yet made . . . drink from the cup of ice . . . drink from the cup of fire .
. .”
Where in TWOT the twisted red doorframe is
tied to Mat, it is tied to Daenerys in ASOIAF.
Those who are familiar with the books know that the “Red Door” is
mentioned numerous times within the 5 books, nineteen times to be exact. I believe that this will be extremely
important as the story evolves because of its importance within TWOT.
If you have followed my blogs you also
know that I believe that Tyrion is also a Targaryen which you can see for
yourself in my blog:
Daenerys said the following:
“She had always assumed that she would wed Viserys when she came of
For centuries
the Targaryens had married brother to sister, since Aegon the Conqueror had
taken his sisters to bride. The line must be kept pure, Viserys had
told her a thousand times; theirs was the kingsblood, the golden blood of old
Valyria, the blood of the dragon. Dragons did not mate with the beasts of the
field, and Targaryens did not mingle their blood with that of lesser men. Yet
now Viserys schemed to sell her to a stranger, a barbarian.”
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Viserys |
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Aegon and his sisters |
I think she was partially right. She is going to marry her brother only she
got which brother wrong. Tyrion and
Daenerys like Mat and Tuon are fated to marry.
There were three Ta’veren within
TWOT. I believe that it was simply
replaced with the word Targaryen in ASOIAF.
I see Daenerys, Jon Snow and Tyrion as the three Targaryen’s and I see
Bran as the Pattern.
TWOT: Mat’s Band of the Red Hand
Mat’s Band of the Red Hand consists of
members from 5 nations. They are members
of Tear, Cairhien, Altara, Andor and Murandy.
His banner consist of a red hand on a white filed with the motto “It’s time to toss
the dice” below. The men in
the band are personally loyal to Mat because of his ta’veren charisma and
because of his reputation of never losing a battle. Mat in the beginning of the story is never
really taken seriously because he is always in trouble.
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It's time to toss the dice |
“Yes, that is Mat,” Egwene
sighed. He had been the most irresponsible boy in Emond’s Field, maybe in the
Two Rivers. “But if he gives his word, he keeps it.”
When Mat is about to make a decision
that could end in life or death he usually utters the words “It’s time to toss
the dice” in some form or another.
Mat likes to gamble, drink, is a ladies’ man and
is constantly flirting with women. His
smile and his humor his greatest assets.
After he is married he still looks but justifies it by telling himself
he is only looking to setup his friends with the women he sees. I remember one saying that I believe relates
directly back to ASOIAF:
“How could he talk to a woman if he
could not try to make her smile?”
Tyrion’s Band
Tyrion’s first command consisted of the
Hill Tribes which consisted of 5 groups.
They were The Stone Crows, The Burned Men, The Black Ears, The Moon Brothers and The Painted Dogs.
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Tyrion with some to the Hill Tribes |
There was something interesting said
about Timett that to me is a direct tie to TWOT:
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Timett |
“And even the other Burned Men feared
Timett, who had
put out his own left eye with a white-hot knife when he reached the age of
manhood. Tyrion gathered that it was more customary for a boy to
burn off a nipple, a finger, or (if he was truly brave, or truly mad) an ear.
Timett’s fellow Burned Men were so awed by his choice of an eye that they
promptly named him a red hand, which seemed to be some sort of a war
Another tie between the
two stories is the fact that Mat chooses to give up his own left eye in order to
save the world. The Aelfinn told him the
following: “To give up half the light of the world to save the world!”
We know that people don’t take Tyrion
seriously because he is a dwarf. Tyrion
isn’t quite a ladies’ man but he frequently visits whore houses. He tends to overindulge in food, drink, and
sex in part to self-medicate for the terrible treatment he's suffered most of
his life. Tyrion may be considered
untrustworthy, because he is a Lannister, but he also never goes back on his
word because like the words of his house “A Lannister always pays his debts.” He also uses humor to deflect other people
seeing him only as being a dwarf.
Tyrion also when in life or death
situation utters the phrase “It’s time to toss the dice” in some form or
now to roll the dice, he thought with another quick glance back at
Bronn. “Where to begin? I am a vile little man, I confess it. My crimes
and sins are beyond “counting, my lords and ladies. I have lain with
whores, not once but hundreds of times. I have wished my own lord father dead,
and my sister, our gracious queen, as well.” Behind him, someone chuckled. “I
have not always treated my servants with kindness. I have gambled. I have even
cheated, I blush to admit. I have said many cruel and malicious things about
the noble lords and ladies of the court.” That drew outright laughter.”
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Bronn |
Tyrion squatted awkwardly on his stunted legs to build the fire. “I tossed the dice. Back at
the inn, you and Chiggen helped take me captive.”
“Everyone tells
me that.” Tyrion glanced up at the sellsword. “Did I offend you? My pardons …
but you are scum, Bronn, make no mistake. Duty, honor, friendship, what’s that
to you? No, don’t trouble yourself, we both know the answer. Still, you’re not
stupid. Once we reached the Vale, Lady Stark had no more need of you … but I
did, and the one thing the Lannisters have never lacked for is gold.
When the moment came to toss the dice, I was counting on
your being smart enough to know where your best interest lay. Happily for me,
you did.” He slammed stone and steel together again, fruitlessly.”
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The Vale |
“Oh, I imagine
they’ll be here long before it comes to sleep.” The smell of the roasting meat
made Tyrion’s mouth water.
Bronn watched
him across the fire. “You have a plan,” he said flatly, with a scrape of
steel on stone.
“A hope, call
it,” Tyrion said. “Another toss of the dice.”
“With our lives
as the stake?”
shrugged. “What choice do we have?” He leaned over the fire and sawed a thin
slice of meat from the kid. “Ahhhh,” he sighed happily as he chewed. Grease ran
down his chin. “A bit tougher than I’d like, and in want of spicing, but I’ll
not complain too loudly. If I were back at the Eyrie, I’d be dancing on a
precipice in hopes of a boiled bean.”
“And yet you
gave the turnkey a purse of gold,” Bronn said.”
“When dawn
broke, he found he could not face the thought of food. By evenfall I may stand
condemned. His belly was acid with bile, and his nose itched. Tyrion scratched
at it with the point of his knife. One last witness to endure, then my turn.
But what to do? Deny everything? Accuse Sansa and Ser Dontos? Confess, in the
hope of spending the rest of his days on the Wall? Let
the dice fly and pray the Red Viper could defeat Ser Gregor Clegane?”
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Sansa |
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Ser Dontos |
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The Wall |
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The Red Viper and Ser Gregor Clegane |
Also Tyrion makes the following
statement in the TV show which I believe is a direct play on words to Mat saying: “How could he talk to a woman
if he could not try to make her smile?”
“But who needs wealth when you can make
a woman laugh?”
Plot to kill Tuon
Semirhage, one of the Forsaken,
confronts High Lady Suroth and offers to make her Empress if she will kill
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Semirhage |
The Forsaken |
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High Lady Suroth |
“Great Mistress, if Tuon really is alive, then…then killing her
will be difficult.” She had to force those words out. To kill the Empress…. Even
thinking it was difficult. To become Empress. Her head felt as if it might
float off her shoulders. “She will have her sul’dam and damane with her, and
some of her Deathwatch Guards.” Difficult? Killing her would be impossible in
those circumstances. Unless Semirhage could be induced to do it herself. Six
damane might well be dangerous even to her. Besides, there was a saying among
commoners. The mighty tell the lesser to dig in the mud and keep their own
hands clean. She had heard it by chance, and punished the man who spoke it, but
it was true.
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sul'dam and a collared damane |
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Deathwatch Guard |
Plot to kill Dany
King Robert, Ned and the members of the
Small council meet as Robert directs the topic of conversation towards killing
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Ned with members of the Small council |
“Robert, I beg of you,” Ned pleaded,
“hear what you are saying. You are talking of murdering a child.”
“The whore is pregnant!” The king’s fist
slammed down on the council table loud as a thunderclap. “I warned you this
would happen, Ned. Back in the barrowlands, I warned you, but you did not care
to hear it. Well, you’ll hear it now. I want them dead, mother and child both,
and that fool Viserys as well. Is that plain enough for you? I want them dead.”
The other councillors were all doing
their best to pretend that they were somewhere else. No doubt they were wiser
than he was. Eddard Stark had seldom felt quite so alone. “You will dishonor
yourself forever if you do this.”
“Then let it be on my head, so long as
it is done. I am not so blind that I cannot see the shadow of the axe when it
is hanging over my own neck.”
The Tower of Ghenjei and the twisted red doorframes
Matt went through the Tower of Ghenjei
and both twisted red doorframes and received what he needed to play out his part
in the Last Battle.
I won’t cover it again but to see the
similarities between Mat’s journey through the
Tower of Ghenjei and Dany’s journey through the House of the Undying see
the link below:
“In some of those memories from other
men he was white-haired, in some only a few years older than he really was, and
everything in between, but there were none of childhood or growing up.
What were the odds of that, if they had just stuffed him with random bits and
pieces, likely things they considered rubbish or had done with? What did they
do with memories, anyway? They had to have some reason for gathering them
beyond giving them away again.”
The House of the Undying and the Red Door
Daenerys has already gone through the
House of the Undying and received answers and possibly has been given gifts
that she us unaware of. The “Red Door”
however is what I will focus on right here.
Dany has focused on the “Red Door” so much why is that? Has she been to the world where the Undying Ones of Qarth reside prior to her entering the House of the Undying as a child? Where Mat was given memories to offset his
missing ones but none concerneing childhood; was she given memories of childhood and the rest taken or augmented to make her forget? Mat believed that they gave him those
memories for a reason and that they were always connected to and observing
him. Will we find out the same about
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Undying Ones of Qarth |
Cohollo said to her, in Dothraki. “Drogo, who is blood of my blood, commands me
to tell you that he must ascend the Mother of Mountains this night, to
sacrifice to the gods for his safe return.”
men were allowed to set foot on the Mother, Dany knew. The khal’s bloodriders
would go with him, and return at dawn.” The bloodriders are equivalent to the Deathwatch Guard for the Seanchan Empress.
This now leads to where Daenerys is
right now. She will kill Khal Jhaqo and
Mago if he is there with Drogon’s help and some others in the khalasar and the
rest will bow before her.
I believe that she goes back to Vaes Dothrak which is the Rhuidean equivalent in ASOIAF. While she is there she will ascend the Mother
of Mountains and return at dawn, making her TWOT equivalent and be “She Who Comes With
the Dawn.”
I believe that when Dany
ascends the “Mother of Mountains” she will again encounter the “Red Door” and
be once again taken to the land of the Undying Ones of Qarth. I think she will remember what was taken as a
child and learn to speak with her dragons as was mentioned when she went
through the House of the Undying. This
will be Mat’s equivalent of receiving 3 wishes/gifts from the Eelfinn.
“A willful beast,” laughed a handsome
young man. “Shall
we teach you the secret speech of dragonkind? Come, come.”
Mat received fluency in the Old Tongue, Daenerys will receive the ability to
speak with dragons.
In TWOT Rand al’Thor went to Rhuidean
with Mat and they both returned at dawn.
Years prior to the event an Aiel Maiden returns from the Blight with a
message to stand ready for “He Who Comes With the Dawn” for the Aiel people.
When she returns another of the visions
she has seen in the House of the Undying will come to pass:
“Beneath the Mother of Mountains, a line of naked crones crept from
a great lake and knelt shivering before her, their grey heads bowed.”
She will now be more than a khal and
take on the role of “The Stallion Who Mounts the World.”
Stallion Who Mounts the World is a prophecy in the Dothraki religion. According
to the prophecy, the Stallion is the "khal of khals" who will unite all the
Dothraki under his single khalasar and ride to the ends of the earth. The
prophecy states that "he will be the khal of khals, and all the people of
the world will be his herd."
Stallion Who Mounts the World is equivalent to the Car’a’carn in TWOT.
The Car'a'carn ("Chief of chiefs"
in the Old Tongue) is the Aiel term for the one who will lead all Aiel, in
accordance with the Prophecy of Rhuidean.
Tyrion returns with the Second Sons
Tyrion has been trying to get the Second
Sons to see reason and turn their cloaks yet once again back to Dany’s
side. Brown Ben Plumm seeing that they
are lost otherwise agrees and now they will again be under her command. Tyrion most likely parlays with Ser Barristan Selmy and it would be ironic if he picks up a white flag that has bloody handprint
on it and waves it as a sign he wishes to surrender/talk. It’s time to toss the dice, he says under his
After bringing the Dothraki into her
fold she will fly back to Meereen on Drogon and will be able to control Drogon
to an extent. The Dothraki will be on
her heels and will clean up the mess in Astapor heading towards Meereen. She will encounter Victarion Greyjoy who has
the Dragon Horn that his brother Euron Greyjoy gave him to take to bring the
dragons to heel and also bring Daenerys back to be his bride. Victarion will have his three servants blow
the Dragon Horn but with her newly acquired gifts after going through the “Red
Door” the Dragon Horn will not work as it should because of maybe a dragon
medallion that she receives as a gift from the Undying Ones of Qarth.
Mat received a fohead medallion which
negates the flows of the One Power.
Maybe Dany receives a gift that negates the effects of magic in their
world to an extent. This gift could negate the effects of the Dragon Horn.
Daenerys and Tyrion meet
Daenerys comes back to Meereen in full
glory and power. She meets up with Ser
Barristan Selmy, Grey Worm and Missandei who give her a full report of what has
happened since she flew off on Drogon’s back.
She meets Tyrion and just like in the show and asks why she shouldn’t
just kill him like she does in the show.
He tells her something similar and she doesn’t kill him out of
hand. She then approaches Ser Jorah
Mormont and asks the same of him. Tyrion
interjects the same as he does on the show but this time instead of banishing
him she give him one of the gifts she received when she entered the “Red Door”
on the Mother of Mountains.
Mat when he went through the twisted red
doorframe the second time received an “Ashandarei.” It is a long spear with a curved blade.
Before Daenerys first walked into Khal
Drogo’s funeral pyre she promised Ser Jorah the following:
Jorah Mormont,” she said, “first and greatest of my knights, I have no bride
gift to give you, but I swear to you, one day you shall have from my hands a
longsword like none the world has ever seen, dragon-forged and made of Valyrian steel.”
I also believe that one of the gifts
that she receives will be a Dragon-Forged longsword of Valyrian Steel. Whether Drogon helps forge it remains to be
seen. She will then present it to Ser
Mat sums up the battle in minutes
stood staring after Mat long after the tent flaps had fallen to hide him. “I
only heard the last bit,” he said finally. “Was it all like that?”
nearly,” Lan replied. “With only a few minutes to study the maps, he laid out
close to the battle plan that Rhuarc and the others made. He saw the
difficulties and the dangers, and how to meet them. He knows about miners and
siege engines, and using light cavalry to harry a defeated foe.”
looked at him. The Warder showed no surprise, not the twitch of an eyelash. Of
course, he was the one who had said Mat seemed surprisingly knowledgeable about
military matters. And Lan was not going to ask the obvious question, either,
which was good. Rand had no right to give the little answer he had.”
Tyrion sits in on Dany’s Council Meetings
I believe that Daenerys will start
making plans to take the Iron Throne in Westeros and she will slowly start to
trust Tyrion and invite him to her council meetings and he like Mat will within
minutes sum up what they have spent days working on as easy as that.
She will begin to start seeing his worth
along with the rest of her councilors.
Tyrion will then be given a place of honor on her council.
Mat’s worth
“What is he
doing?” Tuon said, frowning. “He can’t think to sneak this many men out of Altara
even if he knows where every last soldier is. There are always patrols, and
sweeps by raken.” Again they took their time before answering. Perhaps she
should try speaking very fast.
“We’ve seen no
patrols in better than three hundred miles, and no—raken?—no raken,” Edorion
said quietly. He was studying her. Too late to stop his imaginings.
Reimon laughed
again. “If I know Mat, he’s planning us a battle. The Band of the Red Hand
rides to battle again. It’s been too long, if you ask me.”
Selucia sniffed,
and so did Mistress Anan. Tuon had to agree with them. “A battle won’t get you
out of Altara,” she said sharply.
“In that case,”
Talmanes said, “he’s planning us a war.” The other three nodded agreement as if
that were the most normal thing under the Light. Reimon even laughed. He seemed
to think everything was humorous.
thousand?” Toy said. “You’re sure?”
“Sure enough,
“Sure enough
will do. Vanin can locate them if they haven’t moved too far.”
“Tuon looked at
him, squatting there by the map, moving his fingers over its surface, and suddenly she
saw him in a new light. A buffoon? No. A lion stuffed into a horse-stall might
look like a peculiar joke, but a lion on the high plains was something very
different. Toy was loose on the high plains, now.
She felt a
chill. What sort of man had she entangled herself with? After all this time,
she realized, she had hardly a clue.”
“Tell me,
General,” Tuon said. “What is your assessment of our consorts abilities?”
“I don’t know
where you found this one, Greatest One, but he is a diamond of great worth. I
have watched him these last hours as he rescued the forces of the White Tower.
For all of his . . . unconventional style, I have rarely seen a battle
commander as gifted as he.”
Tuon did not
smile, but he could see from her eyes that she was pleased.”
Tyrion’s worth
I believe that Tyrion will be allowed to
start making battle plans and Dany and her advisors will be extremely impressed
by his cunning. I also believe that the
metaphor of Tuon seeing Mat/Toy as a lion loose on the high plains will take
shape to what Dany saw in the House of the Undying.
“A white lion ran through grass taller
than a man.”
I believe that this will translate into
Tyrion’s military prowess. Will he put together a plan using dragons to rescue the Citadel which is the White Tower equivalent? That would be ironic as I believe we will be shown that the Maesters in the Citadel were responsible for the eradication of the dragons so long ago. A maesters chain is the equivalent of a Aes Sedai shawl.
![]() |
The Citadel |
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A maester wearing his chain of office |
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Members of the Blue Ajah wearing their shawls |
Mat rides a raken
“The wind
whipped at Mat as he clung to the saddle of a winged beast hundreds of feet in
the air.
Oh, blood and
bloody ashes!” Mat yelled, one hand on his hat, the other clutching the saddle.
He was tied in with some straps. Two little leather straps. Far too thin. Could
they not have used more? Maybe ten or twenty? He would have been fine with a
were bloody insane. Every one of them! They did this every day! What was wrong
with them?
Tied into the
saddle in front of Mat, Olver laughed with glee.
Poor lad Mat
thought. He’s so frightened he’s going mad. The lack of air up here is getting
to him.
“There it is, my
Prince!” the morat’raken, Sulaan, called to him from her place at the front
of the flying beast. She was a pretty thing. Completely insane, too. “We’ve
reached the valley. Are you sure you want to set down in there?”
“No!” Mat
“Good answer!”
The woman made her beast swoop.
“Blood and
Olver laughed.”
Tyrion rides a dragon
“When he was still a lonely child in the
depths of Casterly Rock, he oft rode dragons through the nights, pretending he
was some lost Targaryen princeling, or a Valyrian dragonlord soaring high o’er
fields and mountains. Once, when his uncles asked him what gift he wanted for
his nameday, he begged them for a dragon. “It wouldn’t need to be a big one. It
could be little, like I am.” His uncle Gerion thought that was the funniest thing
he had ever heard, but his uncle Tygett said, “The last dragon died a century
ago, lad.” That had seemed so monstrously unfair that the boy had cried himself
to sleep that night.”
I think Tyrion will most likely ride
Viserion. Viserion is described as
having a roar that would send a hundred lions running. Viscerion is also known as the “White
Dragon.” Because I think Tyrion is the
metaphorical “white lion” that Daenerys sees while in the House of the Undying
I think it only fitting.
Tyrion however will enjoy riding
Viscerion where Mat did not enjoy riding the raken. I guess dreams do come true.
ASOIAF: Tyrion and Daenerys grow close
Over time the
two will come to rely upon one another and will begin to realize that they
truly care for one another. They start
taking daily dragon rides together
Missandei even notes to Daenerys that she seems to be happier when
Tyrion is around. Dany responds simply
with “he is only one of her councilors. Missandei
counters with “is he not a man also, my Queen?
TWOT: Tuon meets Rand
“Mat felt sorry
for this poor fool caught sneaking into the palace. Maybe the man was an
assassin, but he could just be a beggar or other fool looking for excitement.
Or he could be . . .
. . . the Dragon Reborn.
Mat groaned.
Yes, that was Rand they led along the path. Rand looked older, more weathered,
than the last time Mat had seen him in person.”
“Anyway, seeing
Rand in person was different. It had been . . . Light, how long had it been?
The last time I saw him with my own eyes was when he sent me to Salidar after
Elayne. That felt like an eternity ago. It had been before he had come to Ebou
Dar, before he had seen the gholam for the first time. Before Tylin, before
Mat frowned as
Rand was led up to Tuon, his arms bound behind his back. She spoke with
Selucia, wiggling her fingers in their handtalk. Rand did not seem the least
bit worried; his face was calm. He wore a nice coat of red and black, a white
shirt underneath, black trousers. No gold or jewelry, no weapon at all.
“Tuon,” Mat
began. “That’s—”
Tuon turned from
Selucia to see Rand. “Damane! Tuon said, cutting Mat off. “Bring my damane Run,
Musicar! RUN!”
The Deathwatch
Guard stumbled backward, then ran, yelling for the damane and for
Banner-General Karede.
Rand watched the
man go, nonchalant though he was bound. You know, Mat thought idly, he kind of does look like a king.
Of course, Rand was mad, most likely. That would explain why he had strolled up
to Tuon like this.”
“What is this?”
Tuon demanded.
Mat spun. “I . .
. Really, it’s just . . .”
Her stare could
have drilled holes in steel. “You did this,” she said to Mat. “You came, you
lured me to be affectionate, then you brought him in. Is this true?”
“Don’t blame him,” Rand said. “The two
of us needed to meet again. You know it is true.”
Mat stumbled out
between them, raising one hand either direction. “Here now! Both of you, stop.
You hear me!”
“Daughter of
Artur Hawkwing,” Rand said to Tuon. “Time spins toward the end of all things.
The Last Battle has begun, and the threads are being woven. Soon, my final
trial will begin.”
Tuon stepped
forward, Selucia waving a few last finger-talk words toward her. “You will be
taken to Seanchan, Dragon Reborn,” Tuon said. Her voice was collected, firm.”
“You have
delivered yourself to me,” Tuon said. “It is an omen.” She seemed almost
regretful. “You did not truly think that I would allow you to stroll away, did
you? I must take you in chains as a ruler who resisted me— as I have done to
the others I found here. You pay the price of your ancestors’ forgetfulness.
You should have remembered your oaths.”
“I see,” Rand
You know, Mat
thought, he does a fair job of sounding like a king, too. Light, what kind of
people had Mat surrounded himself with?”
“Tell me
something, Empress,” Rand said. “What would you all have done if you’d returned
to these shores and found Artur Hawkwing’s armies still ruling? What if we
hadn’t forgotten our oaths, what if we had stayed true? What then?”
“We would have
welcomed you as brothers,” Tuon said.
“Oh?” Rand said.
“And you would have bowed to the throne here? Hawkwing’s throne? If his empire
still stood, it would have been ruled over by his heir. Would you have tried to
dominate them? Would you instead have accepted their rule over you?”
“That is not the
case,” Tuon said, but she seemed to find his words intriguing.
“No, it is not,”
Rand said.
“By your
argument, you must submit to us.” She smiled.
“I did not make
that argument,” Rand said, “but let us do so. How do you claim the right to
these lands?”
“By being the
only legitimate heir of Artur Hawkwing.”
“And why should
that matter?”
“This is his
empire. He is the only one to have unified it, he is the only leader to have
ruled it in glory and greatness.”
“And there you
are wrong,” Rand said, voice growing soft. “You accept me as the Dragon
“You must be,”
Tuon said slowly, as if wary of a trap.
“Then you accept
me for who I am,” Rand said, voice growing loud, crisp. Like a battle horn. “I
am Lews Therin Telamon, the Dragon. I ruled these lands, unified, during the
Age of Legends. I was leader of all the armies of the Light, I wore the Ring of Tamyrlin. I stood first among the Servants, highest of the Aes Sedai, and I
could summon the Nine Rods of Dominion.”
“Rand stepped forward.
“I held the loyalty and fealty of all seventeen Generals of Dawn’s Gate.
Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag, my authority supersedes your own!”
“My authority
supersedes that of Hawkwing! If you claim rule by the name of he who conquered,
then you must bow before my prior claim. I conquered before Hawkwing, though I
needed no sword to do so. You are here on my land, Empress, at my sufferance!”
Thunder broke in
the distance. Mat found himself shaking. Light, it was just Rand. Just Rand . .
. was it not?
Tuon backed
away, eyes wide, her lips parted. Her face was full of horror, as if she had
just seen her own parents executed.”
“Green grass
spread around Rand’s feet. The guards nearby jumped back, hands to swords, as a
swath of life extended from Rand. The brown and yellow blades colored, as if
paint had been poured on them, then came upright—stretching as if after long
The greenness
filled the entire garden clearing.”
“Do you deny my
right?” Rand demanded. “Do you deny that my claim to this land precedes your
own by thousands of years?”
“I . . .” Tuon
took a deep breath and stared at him defiantly. “You broke the land, abandoned
it. I can deny your right.”
Another thing to know about Rand is that
he at times would create a fiery sword simply from using the One Power.
beat in the air above him. Snarling, Rand raised the fiery sword; the One Power
burned in him, and fire roared from the blade. The stooping Draghkar exploded
in a rain of burning chunks that fell into the darkness below.”
I missed a point I wanted to make
This is a little re-write to my blog Is
Jon Snow Really Dead?
My theory evolves as I go through my
notes and I totally missed a big point as Dany saw something that applied to
Jon that I didn’t place it under my notes for Jon.
I won’t re-write the entire thing just fill in the point that I forgot.
dreamlike imagery fades as does the faces of his mother and father. Jon opens his eyes. He sees the face of a woman with red hair,
who is she he thought to himself. She
looks at him and gasps. He could hear
the wildlings talking about his eyes.
Why were they talking about his eyes he did not understand? He sat up and
thanked the woman for saving his life.
As he did a huge beast padded over and licked his face and he grabbed
and hugged the direwolf’s neck, Ghost he yelled. The woman tells him she believes that Ghost
probably had more to do with saving his life than anything that she herself had
did. She tells him that when she found
him he was dead. He rose to his feet and
the lady bowed and called him my lord.
He helped her rise and proceeded to walk giving orders for a man there
to bring a heavy hammer to his chambers.
He didn’t know why but he knew that man would obey his orders. He entered what he knew to be his rooms
without saying a word waiting until the hammer arrived in silence. When the hammer arrived he took it from the man
and started to pound at a wall within the room.
The man and woman continued to look at him not knowing what to
think. A hiding place within the wall
appears and he reaches in and pulls out a sword. The sword seemed to come alive in his hands
and heat radiates from the blade. In
that instant it all came flooding back.
My name he thought is Jon Snow, no, that wasn’t quite right; my name is
Jon Targaryen, the Sword of the Morning.
Melisandre drops to her knees and exclaims “Azor Ahai has come
![]() |
Azor Ahai |
Daenerys meets Jon
Grey Worm
enters the Queen’s audience chamber and tells Khaleesi that a man claiming to
be Azor Ahai demands audience with her.
Tyrion thinks what a fool this man must be to demand anything from the
Queen of Dragons. Or he could be…
… Jon Snow.
Seeing Jon like this was different. How
long had it been? The last time he had
seen him he had gone to Winterfell to help his brother Bran. That had been a lifetime ago. It had been before he had been taken captive
by Lady Catelyn, before he had killed his lord father, before Shae, before Daenerys.
approaches and stops short of the steps that lead to where Daenerys sat
surrounded by her Unsullied. He casually
unsheathes his sword and raises it into the air. His eyes were blue. Tyrion thinks back to what Daenerys had told
him about one of her visions in the House of the Undying. How she saw “Glowing like sunset, a red sword was raised in
the hand of a blue-eyed king who cast no shadow.” By the Seven he does look like a king and he
cast no shadow. How did he pull that off
in a room full of light? What was that
armor he was wearing, Tyrion had never seen its like before.
Tyrion began. That’s-
is he? Daenerys demanded.
looked at Jon and then to Daenerys. He
is the …
Bastard of Winterfell”, your Grace, Jon said.
Seemly not even a bit uncomfortable surrounded by the Unsullied as he
know him? Dany said to Tyrion.
father was Ned Stark, Tyrion said.
you are the friend of the man who killed my brother and usurped his
throne. Why should I not kill you where
you stand?
of Aerys Targaryen, Jon said to Dany.
The world sits on the precipice of destruction and you gather your
forces against those who would save it.
By what right do you claim the throne?
even sounds like a king, Tyrion thought.
the right that my father was the true king of your Seven Kingdoms. The blood of the Targaryen’s and Old Valyria
flow through my veins. I am his only
legitimate heir. Aegon the Conqueror
forged it with the fire of dragons. And
now I will do the same!
by your own argument, your Grace you are proved false. My claim supersedes your own and in more ways
than one. Do you deny who I am for I
hold the Red Sword of Heroes?
![]() |
Ser Arthur Dayne holding Dawn I believe that Dawn is the famed Red Sword of Heroes |
claim to be Azor Ahai, Dany said; but any fool can hold a glowing sword and
make a claim. Shall I have my Unsullied
kill you with your own blade?
if not hearing what Daenerys had said Jon sheathed his sword. He spoke now with the authority of a king,
Tyrion thought. During the Age of Heroes
I walked the land in the hopes of saving the world. I happened a chance encounter with the Others
who told me that I would one day free their people from tyranny. It was there that they bestowed upon me with
the Red Sword of Heroes. They taught me
to fight and become the greatest swordsman the world had ever known. The blade can not be used against
he spoke Tyrion noticed that the room seemed to grow cold and it was not just him. Everyone seemed to notice the cold, even the
Unsullied seemed to be shaken at this.
Jon continued to speak.
told me that throughout the millennia that I would be reborn again and again until
I was needed to set them free and face the growing darkness that would once
again threaten the world. I walked this
world and helped Brandon the Builder raise the Wall. I helped to setup kingdoms and taught men how
to govern. They wanted to name me king
but that was not my destiny. I taught
the first members of the Nights Watch how to fight. I am the sword in the darkness, the shield that
guards the realms of men. Thunder crashed amidst a darkening sky.
was then that Jon brought his hands together towards his chest and a sword made
seemingly of ice more majestic than any Tyrion had ever seen formed before
their very eyes. Jon slammed the blade
point down into the steps leading to Daenerys and ice spread into the whole of
the audience chamber.
Time spins
toward the end of all things. The world
approaches another breaking. Your
brother Rhaegar, my father, knew the truth of what was to come and gave his life
for this hope of salvation. So I ask
you, your Grace where do you stand?
Daenerys sat
there eyes wide staring at Rheagar’s son; her face full of fright.
I believe that in this point in the story that it will be made clear that the true enemy will not be the Others but the Children of the Forest. Bran will have proof of this and I will show this in my next blog. Dany is being fed her information by the Children and when Jon confronts her and asks her where she stands he is referring to this truth. Tyrion and Dany will most likely already have married and the truth of Tyrion's parentage will have been revealed also to them via the Children of the Forest.
I believe that in this point in the story that it will be made clear that the true enemy will not be the Others but the Children of the Forest. Bran will have proof of this and I will show this in my next blog. Dany is being fed her information by the Children and when Jon confronts her and asks her where she stands he is referring to this truth. Tyrion and Dany will most likely already have married and the truth of Tyrion's parentage will have been revealed also to them via the Children of the Forest.
encouraged. Love to hear the idea’s of others. Most believe that
since I present my idea’s as “fact like” I’m not open to change my viewpoints
which is far from the truth. I simply look at the information presented
and go from there. If you can shine a light on another way of thinking
that opens the door to debate.
Tyrion has already shown his Mat like qualities but I believe it will be turned up a notch before all is said and done:
ReplyDelete“The city will not fall in a day. From Harrenhal it is a straight, swift march down the kingsroad. Renly will scarce have unlimbered his siege engines before Father takes him in the rear. His host will be the hammer, the city walls the anvil. It makes a lovely picture.”
Cersei’s green eyes bored into him, wary, yet hungry for the reassurance he was feeding her. “And if Robb Stark marches?”
“Harrenhal is close enough to the fords of the Trident so that Roose Bolton cannot bring the northern foot across to join with the Young Wolf’s horse. Stark cannot march on King’s Landing without taking Harrenhal first, and even with Bolton he is not strong enough to do that.” Tyrion tried his most winning smile. “Meanwhile Father lives off the fat of the riverlands, while our uncle Stafford gathers fresh levies at the Rock.”
Cersei regarded him suspiciously. “How could you know all this? Did Father tell you his intentions when he sent you here?”
“No. I glanced at a map.”
“We have knowledge to share with you,” said a warrior in shining emerald armor, “and magic weapons to arm you with. You have passed every trial. Now come and sit with us, and all your questions shall be answered.”
ReplyDeleteThis to me is the concept or idea of the Aelfinn and their answering 3 questions. Matt received his wishes when he visited the Eelfinn. They also promised her magic weapons which Matt received along with the ability to speak the Old Tongue which to him but to him it was like speaking normally because in his head he didn't perceive a difference. Is this what Dany will receive when it comes to speaking with her dragons? “Shall we teach you the secret speech of dragonkind?”
I believe in the end that Tyrion will choose to rule not to rule in Westeros. He will however be forced to take his wife Daenerys out because the taint that is found in some Targaryen's will rise to the surface in her and he will make this chose for the good of all. He may then end up with Missandei at his side later in the story some years to come following the climatic struggle where he will live happily ever after. He will leave the rule of the Seven Kingdoms in Sansa's hands.
ReplyDeleteWill Dany learn secrets about the Dothraki once she ascends the "Mother of Mountains" in addition to receiving gifts? Will she break the Dothraki by revealing that they are direct descendants of the Lhazareen aka the Lamb Men.
ReplyDelete“Ser Jorah said the people of this country named themselves the Lhazareen, but the Dothraki called them haesh rakhi, the Lamb Men. Once Dany might have taken them for Dothraki, for they had the same copper skin and almond-shaped eyes. Now they looked alien to her, squat and flat-faced, their black hair cropped unnaturally short. They were herders of sheep and eaters of vegetables, and Khal Drogo said they belonged south of the river bend. The grass of the Dothraki sea was not meant for sheep.”
If so this would be similar to Rand telling the Aiel that they were descendants of the Da'shain Aiel who practiced the Way of the Leaf.
Mat in TWOT teams up with Aludra, the illuminator of the Illuminators Guild, and uses her fireworks that she calls dragons and dragons eggs to help fight the Dark One and his minions. Tyrion teams up with Hallyne, the pyromancer of the Alchemists Guild, and uses his wildfire to fight the Battle of the Blackwater.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted everyone to know that in TWOT it was Mat (Tyrion) who kills Padan Fain (Littlefinger). I just put a twist on my story and killed the Padan Fain character by having him be killed for the most part but by doing it in the way the Rand (Jon Snow) did by taking over the body of his worst enemy Moridin.
ReplyDeleteSeason 6 Episode 4 last night highlighted for me that Dany is on a fast track of becoming like her father the Mad King. This is the 3rd time that she has burned someone; this time multiple someones. I believe it will become her weapon of choice. The reason I still believe it will be Tyrion and possibly Jon who will have to stop her. This will emulated the Dance of Dragons that almost wiped out the Targaryen and basically eliminating dragons to begin with.
ReplyDeleteIn the Season 7 pictures we see that Arya has in her possession the catspaw valyrian steel dagger. In TWOT the dagger infected everyone who held if for a prolonged period of time. Will Arya be severed from her murderous ways if she rids herself of that dagger?
Tyrion is perception and IMO figured out that the Stark children had a unique connection with their Direwolves:
ReplyDelete**First encounter:**
“He never saw the wolf, where it was or how it came at him. One moment he was walking toward Snow and the next he was flat on his back on the hard rocky ground, the book spinning away from him as he fell, the breath going out of him at the sudden impact, his mouth full of dirt and blood and rotting leaves. As he tried to get up, his back spasmed painfully. He must have wrenched it in the fall. He ground his teeth in frustration, grabbed a root, and pulled himself back to a sitting position. “Help me,” he said to the boy, reaching up a hand.
And suddenly the wolf was between them. He did not growl. The damned thing never made a sound. He only looked at him with those bright red eyes, and showed him his teeth, and that was more than enough. Tyrion sagged back to the ground with a grunt. “Don’t help me, then. I’ll sit right here until you leave.”
Jon Snow stroked Ghost’s thick white fur, smiling now. “Ask me nicely.”
“Tyrion Lannister felt the anger coiling inside him, and crushed it out with a will. It was not the first time in his life he had been humiliated, and it would not be the last. Perhaps he even deserved this. “I should be very grateful for your kind assistance, Jon,” he said mildly.
“Down, Ghost,” the boy said. The direwolf sat on his haunches. Those red eyes never left Tyrion. Jon came around behind him, slid his hands under his arms, and lifted him easily to his feet. Then he picked up the book and handed it back.
**“Why did he attack me?” Tyrion asked** with a sidelong glance at the direwolf. He wiped blood and dirt from his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Maybe he thought you were a grumkin.”
Tyrion glanced at him sharply. Then he laughed, a raw snort of amusement that came bursting out through his nose entirely without his permission. “Oh, gods,” he said, choking on his laughter and shaking his head, “I suppose I do rather look like a grumkin. What does he do to snarks?”
**Second encounter:**
“The door to the yard flew open. Sunlight came streaming across the hall as Rickon burst in, breathless. The direwolves were with him. The boy stopped by the door, wide-eyed, but the wolves came on. Their eyes found Lannister, or perhaps they caught his scent. Summer began to growl first. Grey Wind picked it up. They padded toward the little man, one from the right and one from the left.”
“The wolves do not like your smell, Lannister,” Theon Greyjoy commented.
“Perhaps it’s time I took my leave,” Tyrion said. He took a step backward … and Shaggydog came out of the shadows behind him, snarling. Lannister recoiled, and Summer lunged at him from the other side. He reeled away, unsteady on his feet, and Grey Wind snapped at his arm, teeth ripping at his sleeve and tearing loose a scrap of cloth.
“No!” Bran shouted from the high seat as Lannister’s men reached for their steel. “Summer, here. Summer, to me!”
The direwolf heard the voice, glanced at Bran, and again at Lannister. He crept backward, away from the little man, and settled down below Bran’s dangling feet.
Robb had been holding his breath. He let it out with a sigh and called, “Grey Wind.” His direwolf moved to him, swift and silent. Now there was only Shaggy dog, rumbling at the small man, his eyes burning like green fire.
“Rickon, call him,” Bran shouted to his baby brother, and Rickon remembered himself and screamed, “Home, Shaggy, home now.” The black wolf gave Lannister one final snarl and bounded off to Rickon, who hugged him tightly around the neck.
Tyrion Lannister undid his scarf, mopped at his brow, and said in a flat voice, **“How interesting.”**
To me when he said “How interesting” he had pieced it together. So before the **concept of a ****warg**** **had been introduced to us the readers it seems that** Tyrion had figured it out.**
After returning to Ebou Dar, she made Altara the seat of Seanchan power in the Westlands. She also became aware that Trollocs were real, and not just myths, as the Seanchan had previously believed. She met with the Dragon Reborn at Falme, and, after barely overcoming Rand's ta'veren attribute, was adamant that he should bow before the Crystal Throne. This upset Rand, and he walked away from the meeting. Tuon later told Selucia that she feared they had turned Rand against them, saying that they had been against him before but he had not been against them. After the meeting, she declared that she was Empress, and took a new name, Fortuona. It should be said that Fortuona only rules portions of the Westlands and has not solidified her rule of the Seanchan continent.
ReplyDeleteThis will be Jon explaining the White Walkers and Wights to Dany and she not believing him just like Tuon did. Their next meeting will go a little smoother where Jon agrees to bend the knee if she also gives in to assisting with the fight just like in TWOT.
A question was asked: What happened to the Hill Tribes that fought with Tyrion Lannister?
ReplyDeletePer the books:
“In most cases the gold cloaks would have resented having an outsider placed over them, but Ser Addam Marbrand was a shrewd choice. Like Jaime, he was the sort of man other men liked to follow. I have lost the City Watch. “I sent Pod looking for Shagga, but he’s had no luck.”
“The Stone Crows are still in the kingswood. Shagga seems to have taken a fancy to the place. Timett led the Burned Men home, with all the plunder they took from Stannis’s camp after the fighting. Chella turned up with a dozen Black Ears at the River Gate one morning, but your father’s red cloaks chased them off while the Kingslanders threw dung and cheered.”