Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tyrion Lannister is Mat Cauthon Part 2:

Potential Spoilers Below

 I was reading the Tyrion excerpt from the Winds of Winter and immediately Mat Cauthon from the Wheel of Time came to mind.  Below is more of why I believe that Tyrion is based upon Mat.

Tyrion in battle

“He swung the looking glass east. There was a look of sunlight a few miles that way. The log tower should have been visible, poking above the trees, but he had not been able to find it in some time. Maybe he was looking in the wrong places. It did not matter. The lightning had to be Rand's work and all the rest of it as well. If I can get far enough that way...

Rand al'Thor

He would be right back where he started. Even if it was not the pull of ta'veren drawing him back, he would have a hard time leaving again once Moiraine found out. And there was Melindhra to consider. He had never heard of a woman who would not take it askance when a man tried to walk out of her life without letting her know.”

Matt is always trying to avoid battles by not being there.  Due to his being ta’veren he always finds himself in the middle of it however.

Mat decides that he really is going to leave. He goes to Rand's tent to tell him and winds up analyzing the next day's battle plan with Lan. He feels the dice rattling for the first time(Mat’s on the spot summation of the battle plan was exactly what the rest of them had come up with after much deliberation)

 Mat leaves before dawn, but bands of Aiel divert him back toward the River Alguenya. He joins up with the Tairen and Cairhienin forces when he sees them heading into a Shaido trap.  Mat successfully leads his men through several encounters with the Shaido. In the heat of the battle Mat is knocked from his horse. Couladin attacks him and Mat  kills him.  The next morning Talmanes and Nalesean swear fealty to Mat and delare that he should have his own banner.  Mat and his army return to Cairhien.  He brings news to Rand that Morgase is dead. Later, he mentions Caemlyn in front of Melindhra and she tries to kill him.  He eventually ends up killing Melindhra but doesn’t understand because he thought she cared for him.  She was in the employ of Sammael, one of the Forsaken, and she was also a Darkfriend.  

Aiel warrior
Mat kill Couladin

The Forsaken

“Mat. She felt strangely sick thinking about him. He was such a blow-hard. A carouser, leering at every pretty woman he met. Treating her like a painting and not a person. He ... he ...

He was Mat. Once, when Egwene had been around thirteen, he’d jumped into the river to save Kiem Lewin from drowning. Of course, she hadn’t been drowning. She’d merely been dunked under the water by a friend, and Mat had come running, throwing himself into the water to help. The men of Emond’s Field had made sport of him for months about that.

The next spring, Mat had pulled Jer al’Hune from the same river, saving the boy’s life. People had stopped making fun of Mat for a while afterward.

That was how Mat was. He’d grumbled and muttered all winter about how people made sport of him, insisting that next time, he’d just let them drown. Then the moment he’d seen someone in danger, he’d gone splashing right back in."

Sample from Tyrion chapter (Winds of Winter):

Tyrion watches the sun rise over the battlefield. One of the dragons (he can’t tell which) eats soldiers being flung into the air by one of six things called the Wicked Sisters (apparently some kind of embattlement). “Why do the gods keep putting him into battle?” thinks Tyrion, since he’s not made for it. His thoughts turn first to Shae, then to his first battle at the Green Fork. He remembers the Green Fork better than Blackwater. And the Second Sons saddling up remind him of Bron.
Second Sons

Tyrion like Mat doesn’t want to be in the middle of the fighting but none the less there is where he always seems to find himself.  Like Mat once he is thrown into the situation he can easily access the battlefield and makes plans that are rather ingenious.  Also like Mat because of his flippant attitude people never give him the credit he is due.  Remember how Shae acted when he tried in his way to protect her with his plan to marry her off so as not to draw attention to their relationship.  And also like Mat he ends up killing the woman whom he believed cared for him.

“Robb Stark seemed puzzled. “Is this some trap, Lannister? What’s Bran to you? Why should you want to help him?”

“Your brother Jon asked it of me. And I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things.” Tyrion Lannister placed a hand over his heart and grinned.”

We all know that Tyrion leers at every pretty woman he meets also.

Tyrion in my mind is hands down the Mat Cauthon character from the Wheel of Time.

Comments encouraged.  Love to hear the idea’s of others.  Most believe that since I present my idea’s as “fact like” I’m not open to change my viewpoints which is far from the truth.  I simply look at the information presented and go from there.  If you can shine a light on another way of thinking that opens the door to debate.

1 comment:

  1. This is why IMO that Tyrion was made to be a tumbler in ASOIAF. This comes from the 1st book of the Wheel of Time Series: The Eye of the World:

    “Thom did his part in diverting the crew from thoughts of mutiny. He told stories, with all the flourishes, every morning and every night, and in between he played any song they requested. To support the notion that Rand and Mat wanted to be apprentice gleemen, he set aside a time each day for lessons, and that was an entertainment for the crew, as well. He would not let either of them touch his harp, of course, and their sessions with the flute produced pained winces, in the beginning, at least, and laughter from the crew even while they were covering their ears.”

    “He taught the boys some of the easier stories, a little simple tumbling, and, of course, juggling. Mat complained about what Thom demanded of them, but Thom blew out his mustaches and glared right back.

    “I don’t know how to play at teaching, boy. I either teach a thing, or I don’t. Now! Even a country bumpkin ought to be able to do a simple handstand. Up you go.”
